Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Luke 19:4
What Trees Can Teach Us About God and His Kingdom — Part Two
11 Days
When we try to find the central theme of the Bible, we might not immediately think of trees. But when we take a closer look, trees are mentioned quite often! Not as main characters or major topics, but they are frequently used as metaphors or symbolic representations of important truths. In this reading plan, we will read some Bible texts about trees, and see what we can learn from them.
My Darkest Moment
11 Days
Hear 10 true stories of hope—five videos featuring modern-day redemption stories and five audio devotionals from the life of Jesus. You'll see so clearly that your story is not over. No matter what you’ve been through, God can use you to shine light into someone else's darkness.
Forever Open | the Gospel of Luke
12 Days
Life with Jesus is an ongoing journey. In the next two weeks, follow Jesus through the Gospel of Luke, learning from his life and teachings as you encounter him in God’s Word. A plan for Catholic pilgrims during the Year of Jubilee, made in partnership with LUMO, Scripture for the visual age.
Discovery: Love God, Love Others
13 Days
When asked to name the greatest commandment, Jesus is quick to respond — love the Lord your God, and love your neighbor as yourself. The command is simple, but what does this kind of love look like in our everyday lives? In this study, you’ll follow 13 key Bible passages that delve into the heart of our faith. Discover a wholehearted life in the embrace of Jesus’ all-encompassing love.
Discovery: God’s Story from Creation to Christ
13 Days
The Bible is God’s story for humankind — but with 66 books written in an array of voices and settings, it can be hard to connect all the dots. What story is God telling? In this study, you’ll follow 13 key Bible passages from creation to Christ, uncovering sweeping themes of biblical narrative. Discover the fall of humanity, and the great lengths God goes to in pursuit of reconciliation.
The Uniqueness of Christ
13 Days
These days, it is commonly believed that all religions are more or less the same. The idea of a unique Saviour is not popular. Yet the Bible teaches that Jesus is unique. There has never been anyone like him. How can this be? How is he different from all others.? In this stirring Bible Plan, Australian author and teacher Dr Barry Chant explores eight ways in which Jesus is unique.
What Was Jesus' Mission on Earth?
13 Days
Jesus Christ came to earth for a purpose. His coming was a conscious decision. During the years in which He traveled around the land of Israel and made God's Kingdom known, He also explained why He came to earth. Several times, we read in the Gospels: “I have come to...”. This reading plan aims to trace some of those statements to make us aware of Jesus’ mission.
The Way
13 Days
Some people discover great spiritual truths accidentally and some people spend a lifetime searching for them. Perhaps you stumbled across someone or something that piqued your interest in exploring spirituality. Or maybe you’ve been searching for a long time for something that is truly life-changing. This reading plan is a simple invitation to consider the life Jesus wants to offer you.
Unlimited Salvation
14 Days
Unlimited Salvation helps you fall in love with Jesus even more, by deepening your understanding of how great is the salvation that God offers you. This reading plan shows you how God has made salvation simple for you if you trust in Jesus, and how you are always safe in his hands. Unlimited Salvation powerfully encourages you with God’s promises that you can hold on to, with practical life applications.
Jesus, Compassion And Justice
14 Days
In this 14 day Bible plan, I want to show you a side of Jesus that we have often been scared to embrace, the Jesus who sends tables and chairs crashing over because he is gripped by a passion to interrupt injustice. The Jesus who parties late at night with the wrong crowd because he is so radically welcoming of those at the bottom of the heap. This is the Jesus who loves justice and compassion.