Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Luke 2:5
Advent | A Family Reflection
18 Days
Advent comes from the Latin adventus , meaning “arrival, approach.” During this season leading up to Christmas, we reflect on the longing of God’s people for the Messiah, which was fulfilled in the arrival of Jesus—God made flesh, Light from Light, wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. Advent has another purpose, too: drawing our spiritual gaze toward the future when, as we affirm in the Nicene Creed, Jesus “will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.” This resource will guide you through both aspects of Advent reflection.
Advent: The Hope of Christmas
18 Days
In this 18 day plan, you'll take a dive into scripture and discover the true hope of Christmas.
BibleProject | How to Read the Bible
19 Days
The Bible is the most influential book in human history, but what is it exactly? This reading plan is designed to introduce you to the Bible and its unique design, various genres, and unified story.
Timeless Wonder | a Christmas Reading Plan From New Life Church
19 Days
This three week plan walks us through the timeless wonder of how God came to us through His son, Jesus. The plan is designed to begin on a Monday so that each weekend will include shorter content meant for rest and reflection during the holiday season. Join us as we study what the birth of Christ means for our future, present, and past.
Advent - Oh, Come Let Us Adore Him!
20 Days
Advent is a four-week plan meant to draw our attention to the humble commencement of the Savior of our lives. This study includes four stories from Matthew and Luke. We learn God’s divine plan for the birth of Jesus Christ and experience what it was like to be present at these events. The question and answer format can be used for family devotions, group discussion, and self-study.
Advent: Born to Dwell With Bible Study Fellowship
20 Days
What does Christmas mean to you? Spend 20 days recounting the Bible's Christmas story from Old Testament passages and the Gospels. Slow down, worship Jesus, and cherish Him by faith. Receive and rejoice in God's greatest gift. Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh to dwell among us. All who believe may be re-born to dwell with God now and forever.
Meditations On The Gospel Of Luke For The Family
21 Days
How can you celebrate your family—a sanctuary of love and life? Sign up for a 21-day Lectio Divina devotional and journey through the Gospel of Luke with your family or community. As you listen to God’s Word, and meditate on stories of hope and healing, allow the sacred Scriptures to transform your understanding of God’s unconditional love.
21 Gifts of Advent
21 Days
The Gifts of Advent - The Christmas season is approaching and preparing for Christmas is sometimes filled with stress and chaos, but God never intended it to be that way. Come walk with author and mentor, Janelle Keith, as she uncovers the gifts of Advent and the true meaning Christmas has for each of us today.
The Most Important Journey
22 Days
Christmas is a story of coming and going. Everyone is heading somewhere. We are drawn to Bethlehem, to see a baby who came to save the world. But, as we rejoice at our Savior’s birth, we can’t help but go out into the world, changed, telling others of the good news. This Advent study was crafted to remind us of God’s most precious gift: Jesus
Songs Of Hope - Sing We Now Of Christmas
23 Days
The songs of Christmas stir our hearts and strengthen ties to God. We celebrate the Greatest Story of All as we sing carols. These songs are among the riches of the Kingdom that are the legacies from those who have gone before us. They come from varied times, lands, and cultures. What they have in common is that they are gifts that help us unwrap The Gift of Jesus, God-with-us.