Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Luke 24:28
Finding Hope on the Camino
6 Days
If you are hiking the Camino de Santiago (the Way of St. James) in Europe, more than likely, you are on a spiritual journey--looking for answers. The five symbols of the Camino trail symbolize hope you can only find through Jesus.
Seven Mile Miracle Easter Devotion
7 Days
The Seven Mile Miracle Easter Devotion from Elevation Church and Pastor Steven Furtick revolves around seven of Jesus’ final sayings on the cross. This seven-day study utilizes daily readings and practical applications stretch your faith in Jesus, the resurrected Son of God. For more resources, including a DVD study and small group participant’s guide, visit
Our Anchor In A World Adrift
7 Days
The twenty-first century is a time of turbulence: the refugee crisis, economic instability, disconnection in a digitally connected world, shifting sexual morality, secularism, suicide, and the quest for a spiritual home. This devotional draws us to Jesus, our anchor in a world that’s going adrift, and challenges us to fulfill the Great Commission. It is designed as a companion to the book with the same title.
7 Days With Jesus: Walk With Jesus
7 Days
This 7-day walk will help you deepen your walk with Jesus as you study His life and teachings.
Dinner With Jesus
7 Days
Jesus often used meals to engage with people and teach important lessons. And he continues to call us to his table to dine, feasting on who he is and learning more about him through the Word. His example provides an opportunity to invite friends, outcasts, and even enemies to know God’s story of love and salvation—whether you’re a host or a guest.
The Curious Questions Of Jesus
7 Days
Jesus loved questions. Of the 183 questions Jesus was asked by people, He most often answered by asking a question Himself. It was the most common way He helped people grow. Join Tom Hughes, author of the book Curious and pastor of Christian Assembly Church in Los Angeles on this 7-day journey watching your faith grow as you respond to the questions Jesus is still asking.
Come, Let's Go! Discipleship In Evangelism
7 days
Three times in I Samuel, Jonathan said to his young armor bearer, "Come, Let's Go!" Three times in Revelation 22 Jesus said, "I'm coming soon!" It's been more than 2,000 years since Jesus made this promise. Jesus gave the church a simple job to do. It's called the Great Commission. So church, why hasn't Jesus COME back yet? We need discipleship in evangelism! COME, LET'S GO!
A Desert Transformed
7 days
At times areas of our lives are like a wilderness: grief, loss of hope, rejection all play their part. But during these times, God loves to come alongside with His deep compassion and love. The Bible is full of stories of how God brought wonderful transformation in people’s lives. Father God can do the same today, to bring joy to your wilderness and transform your desert into a living stream.
Luke Series The Time Is Now
7 Days
Are you ready to start a life-changing journey? Walk with Jesus through Luke nineteen to twenty-four. Witness the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth and Jesus’s final days on earth. Discover who Jesus is, why he came to earth, what his message was, and what he wants you to do. Your discovery will impact your family, friends, and community.
Holy Week Devotional Plan from New Life Church
7 Days
As Savior, Jesus walked among our mess and pain. He is also King of all—holy, mighty, and just. For the next seven days, we will be reading through portions of the Gospels, reflecting on what we can learn about following Jesus as we study and honor His death and resurrection.