Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 14:29
The Sound of Victory (Living a Victorious Life Devotional)
14 Days
The Bible says in Romans 5:17 that through Jesus we can “reign in life.” Jesus also said that He came to give us life in all of its fullness. Jesus died and rose again so that you could live in victory. He won so that we could win WITH Him… not defeated, not down, not lacking but free, strong and victorious - getting better every day!
FEARLESS - Boldly Pursuing Jesus And His Mission
15 Days
God has given His people a purpose: to connect everyone to Jesus and his mission. In order to pursue the mission of Jesus, we cannot have a faith that is timid or cowardly. As we spend time looking at the life of Abraham, a man of courageous faith and sacrificial obedience, we will be challenged to be FEARLESS for the mission of Jesus.
Kingdom Come
15 Days
We’ve heard that Jesus offers “life to the full” and we crave that experience. We want that life that’s on the other side of change. But what kind of change do we need? And just how do we go about the process of changing? In Kingdom Come you'll explore a new way to live the upside-down and inside-out life that God invites us into.
Stressed Out
15 Days
Most of us feel stressed out. A lot of us have been pushed to our mental, emotional, and physical limits. So much of life is bigger than we are—it’s out of our control. Life can leave us feeling helpless and weighed down. But being stressed out is not how God wants us to live. We’ll look at what God wants us to do with the stress we feel.
15 Days Year End Prayer and Fast
15 Days
If you plan on 15 days of prayer and fasting, this plan is the perfect choice. For the next 15 days, you can have a prayer focus on building your relationship with Jesus. Each day, there will be a Bible reading passage that you can read and meditate on based on the prayer theme of the day.
Introduction to the Gospels & Matthew
18 Days
The first four books of the New Testament are called “gospels,” which means “good news.” They are fundamental to the revelation of God’s eternal plan to redeem and save lost humanity. They are often called biographies for they each tell the story of Jesus, his birth, ministry, death, and resurrection. The good news of the Gospels is that Jesus has come, that he is both Savior and King, and people can know this is true because God has raised him from the dead. This section specifically focuses on the longest of the four Gospels, the Gospel of Matthew.
NIV Once-A-Day Bible
21 Days
This is a 21 day extract of the NIV Once-A-Day Bible which organizes the New International Version Bible, the world’s most popular modern-English Bible, into 365 daily readings. This Bible includes a daily Scripture reading from both the Old and New Testaments, plus a Psalm or a Proverb, followed by a short devotional thought written by the staff at the trusted ministry Walk Thru the Bible.
NIV Once-A-Day Bible for Women
21 Days
The NIV Once-A-Day Bible for Women encourages a relationship with God through daily Bible reading. With Scripture text from the New International Version, this 21 day extract from the 365 daily readings, making it easy to read at your own pace. Each day includes a portion of Scripture from the Old Testament, the New Testament, and a Psalm or a Proverb, followed by a short devotional thought specifically written for women.
NIV Once-A-Day Bible for Leaders
21 Days
This 21 day extract of the NIV Once-A-Day Bible for Leaders which organizes the New International Version Bible—the world’s most popular modern-English Bible—into 365 daily readings, gives you a biblical foundation for developing and refining your leadership skills. Included is a daily Scripture reading from both the Old and New Testaments, plus a Psalm or a Proverb, followed by a short devotional focused on leadership.