Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 22:34
Your True Reflection
11 Days
In the Your True Reflection Plan, author Don Ankenbrandt equips readers with 12 biblical principles about their true identity and purpose in God.
The Gospel According To Matthew
14 days
This reading plan explores the first Gospel. This Gospel explains that Jesus was the king of Jews that brought the kingdom of heaven, even though Jesus didn't arrive in the way people expected.
Psalm 23: Walk With the Shepherd
14 Days
Each day, believers are presented with an invitation: to walk with our Good Shepherd and follow his way. In this 14-day series, Psalm 23 provides our framework for considering just how to walk with Jesus. Each day will include a verse from Psalm 23, and find resonant passages throughout the Bible, full of illustrations and encouragement for following Jesus.
14 Days
Finding rest for your soul during restless times. A bible reading plan grounding your soul in the steadiness and security of Jesus. Produced by Generation Ministries
Preparing Your Heart for Easter
15 Days
Mama, do you need encouragement? Would you like to go deeper in your relationship with Jesus this Easter season? Join the Help Club for Moms as we focus our eyes on Jesus and center our lives on His Word. This devotional plan will help you awaken this Resurrection Sunday with a heart full of joy and a deeper understanding of our Savior's love.
Introduction to the Gospels & Matthew
18 Days
The first four books of the New Testament are called “gospels,” which means “good news.” They are fundamental to the revelation of God’s eternal plan to redeem and save lost humanity. They are often called biographies for they each tell the story of Jesus, his birth, ministry, death, and resurrection. The good news of the Gospels is that Jesus has come, that he is both Savior and King, and people can know this is true because God has raised him from the dead. This section specifically focuses on the longest of the four Gospels, the Gospel of Matthew.
Everyone. Everywhere. Part 1
20 days
We know everyone is going everywhere this Summer. If you are either in summer school, doing an internship, or going abroad. We want to find and follow Jesus together. We invite you to join us in our devotional, Everyone and Everywhere.
20 Days Of Relational Health
20 Days
Our hearts crave deep, lasting connections--to know we are loved and belong. This Bible reading plan will help you grow in your relationships as you learn to love others well, speak and live in truth, and set the healthy boundaries that will allow your relationships to thrive.
Jesus' Final Visit to Jerusalem
20 Days
God with Us: The Four Gospels Woven Together in One Telling is a captivating new book that looks and feels like a paperback novel. But it’s not a story based on Jesus’ life, with fictionalized embellishment. It is the story of Jesus’ life, told entirely in the words of the four Gospels in the New Living Translation. This reading plan is not the full account of God with Us but takes you through select events during Jesus’ final week as he visits Jerusalem for the last time leading up to his death and resurrection.
21 Days
This daily prayer guide will allow you to join in a combined prayer initiative for Tshwane as we trust God to reach those far from Him, bring churches closer together and see the power of the gospel at work in practically transforming our city as His kingdom comes in every home, workplace and city street.