Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 25:34
The Chosen + Bible Project | Season 4 Reading Plan
7 Days
The Chosen and BibleProject designed this plan to help individuals and groups reflect on the surprising identity of Jesus and the nature of the Kingdom of God, as presented in the gospels. This six-day plan incorporates clips from Season 4 of The Chosen, BibleProject animated videos, summaries, reflection questions, and Scripture readings. Explore how different people responded to Jesus, whether with offense, doubt, or trust.
Purposeful Gratitude: The Heart of Outreach
7 Days
Most of us know outreach is important, but life is busy, and it’s hard to even know where to start. It doesn’t have to be complicated. This devotional will help you reconnect to God’s heart for His people. When we take time to reflect on all God has done for us, we begin to see others like He does, and compassion is a natural response.
What Is My Purpose? Learning to Love God and Love Others
7 Days
Explore your purpose as a follower of Jesus: to love God and love others. Over seven days, we will unpack the themes of personal worship, transformation, compassion, service, and justice. Each session starts with a prayer to help you focus on the day’s theme, a passage or two from scripture, a thought from a theological perspective, and ways to apply and respond to the reading.
Life For The Innocent | A Study For The Fatherless, Widow, Orphan, & Oppressed
8 Days
Without the Gospel, we are all fatherless, widowed, orphaned, and oppressed. This study helps us acknowledge who we are without God and respond in thankfulness to him for his grace in saving us.
Week of Prayer For Christian Unity 2018
8 Days
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is a yearly reminder of Jesus’ prayer for his disciples that “they may be one so that the world may believe” (see John 17.21). The theme for the week of prayer in 2018, "Your right hand, O Lord, glorious in power" is inspired by Exodus 15:6.
The 7 Words Of Jesus: A Good Friday And Easter Reflection
8 Days
We all have perspectives. Our perspectives depend on where we are at the moment. The 7 utterances of Jesus are 7 perspectives from the angle of the cross. Each of Jesus’ words summarize the purpose of his life and its implication on our life. This is an 8-day devotional that takes you through the 7 utterances of Jesus from the cross, one utterance a day. We end on the 8th day reflecting on Easter.
Honoring Christ In Human Rights
8 Days
This 8-Day Bible study is one in a series of 19 others related to Making Jesus Culture. We see how to honor and worship God through all elements of culture, including the home, family, church, business, media/arts, government, and education.
Solidarity With Christ
8 Days
These Bible studies will help you encounter God’s relentless love and solidarity with the suffering. Read and act on the invitation of the Holy Spirit to speak to you, and shape you.
The Empowered Church
8 Days
More than ever, people are aware that we are deeply connected. This unique time is an opportunity for us to reflect on how we share in each other’s suffering, center ourselves on God, and rise to a calling that does not expire simply because the world is in trouble, but perhaps is even more important now: to demonstrate the radical love of Christ to the most vulnerable in our world.
8 Days
Sometimes we need a recalibration, a re-alignment in our relationship with God. We believe that right now God wants to recalibrate his people into fresh, authentic and real relationship with Him. Come on the journey with us here with this devotional, and also with our partner podcast 'generation ministries' wherever you get your podcasts.