Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 26:45
Jesus' Final Visit to Jerusalem
20 Days
God with Us: The Four Gospels Woven Together in One Telling is a captivating new book that looks and feels like a paperback novel. But it’s not a story based on Jesus’ life, with fictionalized embellishment. It is the story of Jesus’ life, told entirely in the words of the four Gospels in the New Living Translation. This reading plan is not the full account of God with Us but takes you through select events during Jesus’ final week as he visits Jerusalem for the last time leading up to his death and resurrection.
She Reads Truth: Prayer in the Bible
21 Days
She Reads Truth is an online movement of women committed to daily reading and being changed by God's Word. Each day you can follow the links to our She Reads Truth site to interact with other women, share your thoughts and comments, and be encouraged to keep reading! Please feel free to join us on Instagram and Twitter by using the hashtag #SheReadsTruth to share your daily insights!
Redeeming Pleasure
21 Days
This plan helps to rethink the Biblical view of pleasure and shows how our pursuit of pleasure mirrors our pursuit of God. By revisiting the goodness of God in Scripture, we also see one of His greatest parts of creation emerge anew. This is the “life to the full” Jesus told us about.
Pray Like Jesus By Pastor Mark Driscoll
21 Days
Pray Like Jesus is a 21-day Bible led journey designed to explain how prayer is talking to your Heavenly Father through Jesus' teaching about prayer as well as his own prayer life. Pray Like Jesus explores what prayer is, who God the Father is, how we should pray, what we should pray for, and when and where we should pray, giving practical steps towards building a prayer life like Jesus’.
21 Days
This daily prayer guide will allow you to join in a combined prayer initiative for Tshwane as we trust God to reach those far from Him, bring churches closer together and see the power of the gospel at work in practically transforming our city as His kingdom comes in every home, workplace and city street.
21 Days
Favor is simply God's supernatural provision that enables us to live beyond our natural abilities. It is available to everyone, and it comes by grace. Learn how to pursue God's favor over the next 21 days, and ready yourself for an outpouring of favor that will accelerate your kingdom assignment!
Advent in Israel: The Places of Israel & the Story of Jesus
25 Days
As we enter the Christmas season, we are all eager to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the point in history where God descended into humanity to bring life to a broken world. Each day leading up to Christmas, we will provide an overview of the biblical significance of a location in Israel, along with a devotional prompt that will connect that location with the life of Jesus in Scripture.
The Death and Resurrection of the King
26 Days
In Matthew 26-28, we read in detail about Jesus' suffering, death and resurrection. This reading plan will help you go step by step through this impressive story and discover how these events have great meaning for you as well.
On the Shoulders of Giants
28 Days
Meditate on the rich legacies of famous and lesser-known African American heroes this Black History Month. These 28 testimonies from Our Daily Bread Ministries remind us of God's faithfulness and the resilience of men and women who changed history forever.
Christ as King: A Study in Matthew
28 Days
Matthew’s Gospel opens the New Testament by brilliantly introducing the culmination of the entire Old Testament story. After thousands of years and dozens of generations, Jesus had come “to save his people from their sins” (Mathew 1:21). Matthew focuses on Jesus as King of Kings, who had come to reign on the throne of David forever.