Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 28:19
Thriving in Isolation
6 Days
Whether it is sickness, stage of life, or disaster that quarantines you to your home, isolation can be devastating. We are communal people made in the image of a communal God, but isolation can also be a gift. How do you spiritually grow and even thrive in isolation? How do you learn to spiritually self-feed?
What Is Easter All About?
6 Days
Once, a man predicted His own death. He also predicted He’d only be dead for three days. And He was right! Jesus’ death and return to life are the amazing truths of the Easter story. Christians still celebrate the day. But what does it all mean for you? This Bible Plan will help you understand the mysteries and the beauty of Easter!
Being Missional in Isolation
6 Days
In times of isolation, you may be tempted to think that there is nothing that you can do to make disciples, but the Apostle Paul, who wrote about half of the New Testament, did some of his best work from prison! The books of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon were all written from a place of isolation. Even from isolation you can make disciples.
Discovering God's Secret Places
6 Days
Have you ever felt it is hard to abide in Christ when God seems so distant? Many Christians, including pastors, missionaries and full-time workers, admit to feeling distant from God and ministering from an empty heart. As we discover God’s call to abide, work, rest and walk with Him, we can learn to experience joy and fullness in the Secret Place of His Presence.
God, the Color; Praise, the Canvas
6 Days
In this 6-day devotional, we spend time in praise and worship of God. Consider the authors of the Psalms- they witnessed God in their lives moving in a significant way, and their response was poetic, heart-filled, worship. What would it look like to recognize God's fingerprints on your life and your purpose?
Becoming Good News
6 Days
People have always wondered if God is real. Today, more than ever, people are wondering if God is even good. Why? Because we’ve forgotten what it means to be Good News. But Jesus has been Good News for us, so we are called to be Good News for others. Discover what it looks like to become a Good News person.
Deep Discipleship
6 Days
What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? According to the Bible, all Christians are disciples; the two are synonymous. To be a disciple is simply to be a learner. Disciples are learning the way of Jesus, and that's what you'll learn in this plan.
I Raised My Hand
6 Days
You raised your hand. You said a prayer, opened your heart to the Gospel for the first time. Maybe you heard the truth for the first time, or maybe you have known it for years and finally decided that it was time to take a step of faith. You are not alone, but NOW WHAT? This is a six-day devotional that will walk you through what to do next.
6 Vital Elements of Disciplemaking
6 Days
It is essential that we refer to the example of Jesus as we seek to help others grow spiritually. When we view the disciplemaking work of Jesus, we see numerous principles that undergird the model He set out for us. Looking back on disciplemaking over the years, here are six vital elements that help us gauge how closely we are walking in Jesus’ footsteps as disciplemakers.
Easter: The Cross Before and After
6 Days
Easter is about an encounter, a time when we experience the hope and love of a Savior who sacrificed His life for us, despite our deepest struggles, betrayals, and failures. Easter is a time to share the Good News of the empty tomb and the grace only found in our risen Savior.