Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 28:19
Honoring Christ In Our Liturgy
10 Days
This 10-Day Bible study is one in a series of 19 others related to Making Jesus Culture. We look at how to honor and worship God through all elements of culture, including the home, family, church, business, media/arts, government, and education.
New Life
10 Days
If you are a new believer and new follower of Christ - this plan is for you. There is a quality of life that God wants us to enjoy, but it’s a quality of life we only really get to know when we get to know Him. Welcome to your new life!
Into The Unknown
10 Days
If you decide to “go after God” you may be led to fearlessly jump out of the plane of your current life and jump into a better one. God has created you for a special purpose and will make a way to reveal Himself to you for a great adventure. Gird your belt, and with Peter Vandenberg as your guide, get ready to take off for an amazing 10-Day Journey!
When Faith Fails: 10 Days Of Finding God In The Shadow Of Doubt
10 Days
Wrestling with faith and doubt can be profoundly lonely and isolating. Some suffer in silence while others abandon belief altogether, assuming doubt is incompatible with faith. Dominic Done believes this is both tragic and deeply mistaken. He uses Scripture and literature to argue that not only is questioning normal but it is often a path toward a rich and vibrant faith. Explore faith and doubt in this 10-day plan.
Loving Our Enemies
10 Days
Jesus said, “Love your enemies.” If the 2.2 billion Christians in the world did so, a contagious revolution would commence. Have you learned how? This greatest moral ethic in the history of humanity can only be embodied by people who allow Him to live “with” them in a genuine interactive relationship. In these lessons learn the infrastructure needed within our beings to spontaneously and authentically love our enemies.
More Than The Score
10 Days
Life is busy. Between work, picking kids up from school, and making it to practice on time, it's hard to make time for the foundational conversations with your children. Scripture provides the principles you need to intentionally invest in the next generation as a parent or coach. This reading plan will give you easy and clear steps to help you and your sports-playing family focus on what's most important.
The Art of Neighbouring Part 2
10 Days
Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God with everything and to love our neighbor as our self. This love is put to the test when we must overcome prejudices and make sacrifices; however, God has empowered us for this. Join us on this journey of being instructed in love and going out into the mission field on our doorstep
The Journey Begins
10 Days
When I first made a decision to follow Jesus , it was a clear decision but my journey there-after was far from clear. After time I found myself amongst people who knew how to direct me on the right path for growing my faith. And it's these things I have learnt about kick-starting a new life with Jesus that we unfold in this 10 day devotional.
For the One: Reaching Your City Together
10 Days
In this 10-day devotional, we'll learn what it means to be a community of believers who live out the gospel and live on mission. We'll also discover how God uses the Church, both individually and as the body of Christ, to reach cities and change the world, one soul at a time.
Unlikely Fighter
10 Days
Ever doubt God could use you—with your shortcomings, failures, busy schedule…whatever your obstacles may be—to do anything big for His Kingdom? Good news: God specializes in the unlikely. The Scriptures offer ample examples of unlikely fighters—people God used in huge ways, despite (or even because of!) their imperfections. Meet 10 of these unlikely fighters, and discover how the Lord can use you to do mighty things.