Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Nehemiah 4:15
7 Days
If it seems like life is coming at you fast, you're not alone. We live at a time when fast is faster and forward is shorter--and having the skills to shift with the changing times is essential. Join Dr. John C. Maxwell for a 7-Day devotional for today's generation of leaders, based on his newest book, Leadershift: 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace.
The Good Work
7 days
You might not be able to change the whole world, but you can change your part of it. What’s your purpose? What’s your story? What will God do through you? Find out through the experiences of Nehemiah in this Life.Church Bible Plan, accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, The Good Work.
6 Ways to Strengthen Your Servant Leadership
7 Days
The biblical principles in this plan will transform your servant leadership. While the world sees servanthood as a softer kind of leading, the Bible shows us how it can powerfully motivate people toward a shared vision, achieve significant results, and overcome adversity. True servant leadership, as modeled by Christ, is anything but weak and servile—it is bold, courageous, and inspires strong action.
7 Days
We live in tumultuous and uncertain times when the entire world has been shaken by a pandemic. No matter how bad things get we can still look into the word of God to find inspiration on how the men and women in there, faced their fears head on and still lived out their callings in faith.
Made to Create: Uncover and Use Your Creative Gifts
7 Days
Do you sense that you have something special to offer the world, but uncertainty or fear is holding you back? God is calling you to create. How do I know this? We yearn to create because we are made in the image of the Great Creator. Whether it is a business, family, program, ministry, or book, our Creator God has given us a deep desire to co-create with Him.
The Care Project
7 Days
This 7-Day series is designed to build new habits of recognizing and showing care for people throughout your day. As a part of a larger 40-Day Journal, you can start your journey here, and then deepen it through the actual journal.
Becoming a Fulfilled Father
8 Days
You are leading your family, but you see room for improvement. Sections of your family wall are gone. Some stones must be replaced. Before following Christ, this was off your fatherhood radar. But now, it drives your thinking. What next? As it turns out, fathers can learn much from an Old Testament cupbearer (and wall-fixer). Nehemiah outlines how we can build a vision for our family that honors God.
Shofar Stellenbosch | Godly Community
8 Days
Our primary goal is that we will grow closer to God. Secondly, we want to grow closer to one another as children of God. Gaining a greater understanding of living in a Godly community and how necessary it is in the 21st century. Join us as we embark on this journey to see what God says about the Church and the community of believers that it consists of.
Leadership Lessons From Nehemiah
10 Days
Nehemiah was a visionary leader, innovator, and statesman. I believe that the Book of Nehemiah is as good an entrepreneur’s case study as any I use in the classes I teach at Carnegie Mellon. It offers lessons in leadership on par with well-documented examples of exemplary leadership from modern CEOs. Over the course of this 10-day study, we are going to learn by studying the life of Nehemiah.
Reconstruction: A Study in Nehemiah
10 Days
Along with Ezra, Nehemiah chronicles the post-exilic history of Israel. Nehemiah's leadership helped resettle Israelites in the land and rebuild Jerusalem's walls. However, Nehemiah's greatest legacy was a renewed national identity rooted in repentance of sin and obedience to God.