Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Philippians 4:11
Shofar Stellenbosch | Galatians And Philippians
30 Days
The Shofar Stellenbosch team put together a few devotionals to help the students and families to remain in the Word during the holiday season. This 30-day devotional on the letter to the Galatians and Philippians focuses on studying the Word and asking reflective questions to help us be doers and not only readers of the Word.
Peace in Transition
30 Days
Relocation is one of the top stressors in life. With change always comes loss. And learning to be peaceful and content in these circumstances is hard. During these times, it helps to know you belong to an eternal family with a Heavenly Father who is always the same. In this plan, learn how God’s presence and direction during times of transition can bring peace in the midst of change.
Sereniti- 30 Days to a New Start
30 Days
Sereniti means to be in a posture of peace even when chaos is all around you. The earth is filled with endless possibilities to land in a posture of peace, but maintaining it is where we want to remain. In this plan, we will journey through 30 days of starting on the path to finding the "Sereniti" you deserve.
Daily Doses of Joy
30 Days
In the Daily Doses of Joy Plan, Pastor and Author Ted Pagel encourages readers with 30 biblically-based daily doses of Joy.
Generosity: 30 Days Toward Biblical Generosity
1 Month
The following reading plan is provided to encourage you to dig deep into the Biblical message of generosity. It is here that we discover the good news that God has not only made us to be recipients of his grace but has also invited us to become participants in the movement of his divine generosity. We invite you to join us on the journey toward generous living.
Horizon Church November Bible Reading Plan: A Call to Holiness - 1 & 2 Corinthians
30 Days
In 1 & 2 Corinthians, Paul passionately addresses the church's struggles and encourages them toward unity, spiritual maturity, and holiness. This reading plan explores key themes such as love, humility, and living a life set apart for God. As we dive into these letters, may we be inspired to pursue Christlikeness and embrace the call to be holy as He is holy.
A Jolt of Joy
31 Days
The Bible tells us that "in His presence is fullness of joy" and that "the joy of the Lord is our strength". Joy isn't simply another emotion; it is a fruit of the Spirit and one of the best weapons in your arsenal to fight against discouragement, depression, and defeat. Learn what the Bible has to say about joy, and strengthening yourself to become a defiantly joyful Christian.
Just Say The Word: Pray With Your Wife
31 Days
Christian husbands desire to be a spiritual leader for their wife and family, but often don’t know exactly what to do about it. The Just Say The Word plan will show you a simple, yet effective path for praying together as husband and wife, using the Bible as the guide for your prayers. Simply put . . . lets allow the Bible to show us what to pray!
The Legacy Journey
31 Days
Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. Following his own bankruptcy at age 30, Dave set out to learn God’s ways of handling money. Dave now devotes himself to teaching others how to take control of their money so they can live and give like never before. Over the next 31 days, Dave will guide you through what the Bible has to say about money and wealth and how to live and leave a legacy for generations to come.
31 Days Of Freedom - Abolition International
31 Days
Stand alongside the work of Abolition International by interceding on behalf of trafficking victims and the modern-day abolitionist movement. This prayer guide is designed to work in both small group and individual settings, guiding each member in a daily prayer that is being echoed across the world.