Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Philippians 4:13

How to Stop Self-Sabotaging Your Succes
6 Days
We all desire to be successful, yet many people go year in and year out with the same goals in mind and never achieve the desired outcome - whether it is fitness goals, starting a new business, writing a book, or a song, etc. It is time to delve into the reasons for self-sabotaging your success. Break the cycle and reach your full potential.

Character Practice
6 Days
Are you ready? Ready for anything? If you want to be ready for more freedom, more trust, and more independence, you’ve got to practice. Practice what, you ask? Practice living with godly character! This six-day Bible Plan with video clips from The Loop Show will help you practice characteristics like honesty, humility, grit—godly character—so you’ll be ready for anything.

Inside Voice
6 Days
The voices that fly around inside our minds can either create peace and balance or chaos and disruption. Join us in our 6 day devotional to help equip you in finding internal peace amongst the noise of life.

Thru the Bible—Philippians
6 Days
What kind of person can sit in prison and write a book about joy? The apostle Paul’s joy transcended his earthly circumstances, and he felt compelled to share it with his friends at Philippi. He teaches that happiness is found through Christlike humility, contentment, and service. In just six short lessons, favorite teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee shows you what it means to have that same kind of joy.

"Do Not Be Anxious..." But, How???
6 Days
God doesn't dismiss your fears. Instead, He gently shows you how to deal with them. In this Bible plan, learn how to hand over your anxieties to God in ways He has laid out in Scripture. May you experience the peace that will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

Made for More
6 Days
Each of us has been made on Purpose, and for Purpose. The life you live is no accident, even if you feel that way. God has a great plan for every believer that is ready to be uncovered, so dive into this 6-day Devotional to read & hear more about the amazing plans God has for you. You were 'Made for More'.

Real Hope: Finding Hope Through the Life of Paul
6 Days
This Bible plan series is by Heidi Wysman, one of the most influential leaders of the Christian church. But his life is a story of how a life so against God can be transformed by Christ and flipped on its head. As you journey through this six-part series, we pray that your sight be cleared, that Paul’s life will bring new revelation to your own, and that your zeal and your desire to serve Christ will be inspired and renewed.

10 Commandments: My Life With My Neighbor (Part Two)
6 Days
The second part of the Ten Commandments deals with a very important word: "neighbor." For us, that means: how does our love for God show up in our relationship with our neighbors?

Building a Strong Family Rooted in God's Word
6 Days
Deployments, loss, separations, and constant moves are not for the faint of heart, but God provides rest for the weary and strength for the weak. This 6-day devotional is designed for military families but applicable to any family that has faced frequent moves or separation, provides practical insight, and Biblical wisdom on how to build spiritually strong families, rooted in God's Word.

From Grumbling to Gratitude...Escaping Self-Pity's Snare
6 Days
Self-pity slyly whispers that we deserve better. It clouds our thinking until grumbling seems inevitable. But thanking God lifts our gaze. This plan examines Bible characters tempted toward self-pity, Jesus’ sinless victory over a similar situation, and God’s invitation into gratitude and joy. We’ll counter self-pity’s lies like “I’m in this alone,” “I don’t have enough,” and “I’m taken for granted” by celebrating God’s ability, help, provision, honor, and love.