Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Philippians 4:13

Righteous Roots In The Heart
12 Days
Ever wonder what it looks like to “walk by the Spirit”? Use this 12-day reading plan to learn about the Spirit’s fruit and how you can display it in your life!

Your Work Matters To God
12 days
Do you understand God's view of work? Each of these studies will have a work life theme. There are 12 individual Bible study lessons in this series.

Pearls of Grace: 12 Pearls + 12 Prayers
12 Days
If a pearl necklace could represent the grace of God, each individual pearl would be an aspect of His amazing grace. The Lord puts this priceless strand around our neck at our spiritual birth. Here are 12 pearls and 12 prayers with corresponding Scriptures to help us see the immeasurable riches of His grace we have in Christ. May we know the joy of walking in this amazing grace!

How to Survive the Storms of Life
12 Days
Every one of us will at some point find ourselves going through storms in life. All our certainties crumble; we wonder why God lets this happen and when the storm will subside. This reading plan gives you valuable advice to stand firm in such a situation. This advice is based on a true biblical story from the book of Mark.

Transformed by Truth
12 Days
One of Satan’s greatest tactics is to make people feel like they are all alone in their doubts, fears, and temptations. This devotional highlights the truth about some common areas within the Christian walk that young women might struggle with. In 12 days, you will learn to recognize the lies that Satan tells you and know the truth that is found in Christ. You may even find that you aren’t as alone in your struggles as you think you are.

GOD REVEALED – A New Testament Journey (PART 6)
13 Days
Is our life progressively changing after encountering Christ? How can we build assets that last beyond life? How can we radiate joy, contentment, and peace in all situations? This, and much more, is addressed in Paul’s letters. Not only does he teach, he leads by example. As false teachings and leaders are fast penetrating, these letters rock churches into strong defense and action. Their undiluted truths continue to transform lives.

Do the Ten Commandments Still Matter?
12 Days
The Decalogue—i.e., the Ten Commandments—is perhaps the most famous list in human history. But does it still apply to 21st-century Christians? In this plan, you’ll learn about each commandment and read why this code of conduct is as relevant today as it was when God delivered it to Moses.

Philippians Book Study - TheStory
13 Days
Study the book of Philippians with theStory - a free online Bible reading guide that emphasizes the biblical narrative. See Genesis to Revelation as the story of how God has created, sustained, and redeemed the world. Every reflection observes not only the immediate context but also its place in the big story. Read, reflect, and respond to the Bible daily, one book at a time.

Together in Faith - a Journey Through Ephesians
13 Days
Paul’s letters to the Ephesians reveal God’s amazing love, grace, and purpose for us. They show us how to live out our faith practically, find unity in our communities, and deepen our relationship with Christ. Join us over the next two weeks as we dive into what it means to journey together in faith.

Start Your Day Right
14 Days
Unwrap God's gift of a new day - every day! This devotional from Joyce offers you encouragement for each morning of the year.The Lord's desire is for you to have Him clearly in sight in order to follow Him. This devotional is designed to enhance your time with God, pointing you to your own daily encounter with Him so that you will enjoy every day of your life. Even if you're not a morning person, He can be that gentle hand pulling you out from under the covers, ready to help you start the morning and make you alert to His direction. Once you experience the empowerment of beginning your day with God, you will never want to start it without Him!