Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Proverbs 3:5
Christ-Like Leaders
6 Days
In this plan, you will read what true leadership means. We are living in a world where people desire to become great leaders and earn great titles. Nevertheless, Christ-like leadership appears very different from what the world tells us. Join us on this 6-day plan to learn to live and lead others the way Christ has called us to do.
The Power to Transform // Take the First Step
6 Days
Ever heard "A body in motion stays in motion"? Put another way, "a man on a path stays on that path". Put another way "change is hard!!" Come be challenged and encouraged in this 6 day plan and get a glimpse of God's power to change you and the richness of showing up for your life.
The Law Of The Harvest
6 Days
In 2 Corinthians 9 Paul says that what we give we will receive in abundance. So instead of asking God to keep increasing our gain, we are to give bountifully and cheerfully. In this plan, Tony Evans teaches the six Laws of the Harvest, and how we are to implement them into our lives.
Divine Time Management
6 Days
Traditional time management can cause stress when the goal is to get life "under control" by our own strength and self-discipline. But the Bible tells us we receive peace and rest when we trust God with our time. In this 6-day plan, you will learn how a God-centered approach to time management leads to receiving all the good He has for you, including His joy and peace.
Are You Pleasing God or Trusting Him? By Pete Briscoe
6 Days
Do you live the Christian life with the aim of pleasing God or of trusting God? “Pleasing God” seems to be the priority of serious Christians, right? And “trusting” seems too passive, doesn’t it? In this 6-day reading plan, Pete Briscoe shares which option leads to freedom and life enjoyed in Christ.
GOD’S DETOURS – 6 Reasons for God’s Course Corrections
6 Days
Gaining a new perspective on detours in life usually happens in hindsight, but at the time they are just uncomfortable. That’s why it’s good to reflect on those detour times in our lives and ask how God showed up. It seems that there are several insights we can gain from discovering God in the detours. Here are six reasons God takes His beloved children on detours along the spiritual journey.
Is a Relationship With God Even Possible?
6 Days
You may have asked … How could it be that God wants a personal relationship with me? With billions of other humans here on planet Earth? And how would it work? Isn’t he busy elsewhere, working on things more consequential? You may have asked … Does God even know (or care) I’m here? These are great questions, and the truth will blow your mind. Think bigger.
Making Decisions In Uncertainty
6 Days
How do we make solid decisions in a world that is shifting underneath our feet? What if we make the wrong decision or we regret our choice? What if the choices we have are between a rock and a hard place? Let’s explore 6 practices and principles for decision-making.
Making Right Choices, Discerning God's Will
6 Days
God will always give the very best to those who leave the choice with Him. Do you struggle with discerning God’s will—making choices that align with His perspective—rather than trusting your human reasoning? This devotional will explore underlying Biblical principles that can propel believers to make right choices. God’s Goals for Me, Prerequisites to Understand, My Surrendered Attitude, Criteria, and Two Methods.