Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Psalms 119:117
Finding Hope in Insecurity With Amy Carmichael
6 Days
Do you ever feel like a failure? Do you go through times of doubt and deep insecurity? After an accident left her confined to her room in constant pain for the last twenty years of her life, Amy Carmichael penned countless precious letters to friends. Compiled in the book Candles in the Dark, her letters offer encouragement and hope to those experiencing insecurity. Let her words strengthen and comfort you.
Finding Joy in Trial: 5 Helpful Steps
7 Days
Experience the love and joy of the Lord in your trial. When you are in a trial that goes on and on do you lose heart? Do you feel as though you are being punished, forgotten, or even forsaken? These five steps can help you not only survive but also find joy and strength.
Evangelical Alliance Week Of Prayer 2021: Bible Engagement
8 Days
The Evangelical Alliance Week of Prayer (WOP) is a worldwide but mostly Europe-wide observed initiative with material provided by the European Evangelical Alliance. WOP 2021 takes place under the theme "Bible Engagement". Throughout 8 days readers are invited to engage with the Bible following the verbs: read, live, share, invite, think, experience, hear, worship. We pray that this material will serve to rekindle your fascination for the Bible!
The One Year Pray for America Bible Reading Plan: Pray for an Eternal Perspective
8 Days
Join us in praying that our leaders (and each one of us) would approach every situation with an eternal perspective with this 8-day reading plan featuring prayers from The One Year Pray for America Bible.
The Life of Elijah: Faith in the Living God
9 Days
Elijah, an Old Testament prophet of God, lived a life of faith. The Bible says he was a normal person just like us, yet he prayed enormous prayers – and God answered! Elijah saw God’s miraculous provision and heard God’s voice, but also encountered doubt and despair. This 9-day plan by David Guzik will encourage you to follow Elijah’s example and trust in the living God!
Opening the Bible
18 Days
The Bible is one of the most influential books of all time, but it can seem overwhelming to know how to understand it and what to do with it. This 18-day Bible study will help break down what the Bible is, why it matters, and how you can understand it today. We’ll also discover how you can put God’s Word in action in His world.
Our Biblical GPS
23 Days
Our earthly lives are a journey, and God’s guidance system enables us to avoid many detours along the way. We remain on the best road home when we allow God’s word to be our guidance system through the Holy Spirit.
Follow Me (OHC)
28 Days
Jesus called the disciples, and He's calling you. Follow Me is a foundational discipleship series looking at what it means to follow Jesus moment by moment. We'll study the gospels and dive into the experiences of His disciples.
The Maxwell Leadership Reading Plan
30 Days
This 30-day reading plan covers many critical leadership topics with excerpts offered from John C. Maxwell. Dr. Maxwell has spent decades equipping others for leadership with his major source of leadership principles being offered from the Bible. Use this reading plan as a resource to learn what a godly leader is and how God is glorified when we accept our roles as leaders and empower others to do the same.
Walk Through The Bible 365 - November
30 Days
How do we feed ourselves with the Word of God? By reading through the Bible. But how do we grasp all the Bible has to offer in an easy and enjoyable way? This reading plan spans one year with daily bite-sized chunks of devotions and scripture to help you stay focused, at a comfortable pace and without overwhelming yourself. As you begin your walk through the Bible, you'll start to hear, read, study, memorize, meditate, and apply God's Word in your life.