Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Psalms 139:11
Don't Miss the Moment: A 5 Day Guide to Embracing God's Plan
5 Days
Pastor and popular Bible teacher Sheryl Brady helps Christians prepare for, recognize, and cultivate the powerful yet easily overlooked moments when God shows up in their lives.
Relationship Goals
5 Days
Search for #RelationshipGoals on social media, and you’ll find seemingly perfect images of couples in love. But what if the vision of relationship that our society is selling is a mirage? Pastor Michael Todd has written Relationship Goals: How to Win at Dating, Marriage, and Sex about having relationship goals that come from God and align with who He has made us to be.
5 Days
Moments. The fragments of time that make up our days. The economy that's most valuable to us. In a perfect world, we're soaking in every moment. But in reality, urgency can easily become our focus and we lose touch with what’s truly important. Throughout this 5-day study from CCV Music, we look at the key moments of the day and see how God is present in every moment.
Be Free From Pornography
5 Days
God wants to set you free from pornography addiction. When I was addicted to pornography, and at the lowest point in my life, Jesus showed me the true power of what He did on the cross. His grace and love set me free. Be encouraged by my story, and find freedom from pornography today.
Belovedness by Sarah Kroger
5 Days
God’s desire for us is to see ourselves and others the way the He sees us. “Beloved” isn’t a badge to earn, or a gift to withhold from others. It’s our identity, it’s our name, and it’s the strength we need for the journey. It’s time to own our belovedness. Join Sarah Kroger on a five-day journey of unpacking what it means to truly live as beloved children of God.
5 Days
There are many reasons you might be experiencing anxiety right now. But author Becky Thompson is here to tell you that you’re much less alone than you feel. You’re much closer to Jesus than it seems. There is hope. There is healing. And there is peace for your troubled heart.
Real Hope: The Psalms
5 Days
The Psalms are passages that show us how to truly delight in the God we serve, love and worship, even in the midst of chaos and pain. In this plan we reflect on some of our favorite Psalms and are, once again, reminded of God's faithfulness to us.
How to Be Grateful for Your Life
5 Days
Throughout the Bible, we're called to “be thankful” and “give thanks.” Why? Because we have a lot to be grateful for! We won't become thankful by accident, but with an intentional habit of gratitude, we'll become even better versions of ourselves as we follow Jesus.
Real Hope: Where Is God?
5 Days
Have you ever struggled with your mental health, financial difficulties, or relationships and thought, 'where is God?' Or turned on the news to see chaos, war, and famine and wondered where He is in the midst of it all. This week we dive into the questions so many of us ask God at some stage in our journey.
Making a Difference in the Shadows, Not the Spotlight
5 Days
There are some names in the Bible that everyone knows: Adam and Eve, Noah, Moses, Mary, Peter, Paul. But the Bible is also full of stories with unnamed characters. People who made a difference not in the spotlight, but in the shadows. We often think they and we are insignificant if the spotlight is not on. But here's the good news: God chooses and uses shadow Christians.