Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Revelation 19:16
Revelation Explained | Pt 6: The End As We Know It
7 Days
Armageddon. Mystery Babylon. The Second Coming. The Wedding Feast of the Lamb. What does it all mean? In Part 6 of Revelation Explained, Kris Langham guides us through Revelation 16-19, including the final judgments on the world’s religious and political systems, and leading up to the climax of the entire Bible - the return of Jesus Christ. Join us for clear, relatable teaching in just five minutes each day.
7 Dimensional Relationship As A Believer
7 Days
A reader would be able to understand his/her relationship with the Lord, which is described in seven pictures. The seven studies are based on the Lord’s Prayer.
The Warrior's Way
7 Days
What if everything could change? What if in a few days you could begin an exploration into orientation that would (over time and with God’s help) change everything. Jesus bestowed on His friends a dangerous presence: they were dangerous for good! Warriors in the Kingdom of Christ with whole hearts, full lives and a Kingdom authority are truly dangerous men and women.
The Rock, The Road, And The Rabbi
7 Days
Seven daily devotions based on The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi, by Kathie Lee Gifford and Rabbi Jason Sobel. This study will help you develop a deeper passion for understanding God’s Word in its original setting as you tour the land of the Bible. It will also build your heart’s desire to know Jesus—the core focus of the Bible and the one who gave everything for us.
20/20 Vision: Eyes On Jesus
7 Days
Living in an increasingly fast-paced and ever-changing world, our faith needs a laser focus on the unchanging truth of Jesus Christ. The book of Hebrews describes Jesus as being “the same yesterday and today and forever.” With eyes locked on this sure and secure target, journey through the Bible to uncover your 20/20 vision, and discover how looking to Jesus in the new year changes everything.
The Great Battle
7 Days
The Bible calls God “the God of peace”, but also depicts Him as a rider who will strike down the nations with a sharp sword. If we want to understand this paradox, we need to know the basic background story about the battle between God and Satan. This Reading Plan takes seven days to explain it to you.
BibleProject | Reading Revelation Wisely
7 Days
This plan is an introduction to reading apocalyptic literature, specifically, the book of Revelation. This reading plan will provide videos, Scripture passages, and helpful tips for understanding the story of the Bible and apocalyptic literature. Think of it as a “what to know” before reading Revelation.
Behold: 7-Day Prayer Journey
7 Days
Join us for a 7-day prayer devotional as we take some of the beautiful ‘behold’ passages in the bible and use them to focus our minds & hearts toward some specific prayer thoughts. To ‘behold’ means; to contemplate, inspect, observe with care, see prophetically, and look earnestly. As you behold our God, we believe your prayers will be fuelled with greater hope and faith. So, let’s begin!
Promises of the Prophecy With Dr. David Jeremiah
7 Days
Though no one but God knows the precise time of Jesus’s return, we are fortunate to have the prophecies of Scripture to prepare us for the times that are ahead. For the next seven days, we will explore some of the truths Scripture holds for us about the Rapture. Based on Dr. David Jeremiah’s book, The Great Disappearance: 31 Ways to Be Rapture Ready.