Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Romans 8:20
If God Is For Us: Seven Days Of Celebrating The Power Of God’s Grace
7 Days
If God Is For Us will take us on a journey into Romans, reminding us of our great salvation, our inheritance, and ultimately the love of our good Father. Whether you are a new Christian or a seasoned veteran, listen in on what the Apostle Paul shared with the Roman Christians and find the same encouragement in the Gospel.
Finding Joy in Trial: 5 Helpful Steps
7 Days
Experience the love and joy of the Lord in your trial. When you are in a trial that goes on and on do you lose heart? Do you feel as though you are being punished, forgotten, or even forsaken? These five steps can help you not only survive but also find joy and strength.
All Things Work Together For Your Good
7 Days
Sometimes, we have to go through circumstances that we don’t understand. Knowing that all things work together for our good encourages us and gives us hope for the future. The goal of this reading plan about Romans 8:28 is to engrave this truth into your heart: God causes everything to work together for your good!
Faith Is For Weak People By Ray Comfort
7 Days
If you are like many Christians, it’s hard to share your faith. Fear, lack of knowledge, and perhaps uncertainty keep you quiet more than not. As an apologist and evangelist, I’ve spent my entire career sharing the faith and answering people's objections. This week, we’ll learn to do the same. With honest conversations, God’s Word, and a heart for the lost, we will reach in love those who are perishing.
The Grudge
7 Days
It weighs you down. It keeps people out. It’s heavy and painful—it’s the grudge. Many of us may not realize it, but we’re carrying grudges that need to come out of darkness and into the light. Learn how you can find freedom through forgiveness in this 7-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, The Grudge.
The Sacred Chase
7 Days
The sacred chase is the audacious pursuit of God and God’s reckless love for you. All of heaven desires to see your life soaked with the reality of God’s presence. As Heath Adamson reminds us in this week-long devotional, pursuing this is worth all of your efforts. The prize is the reality of Jesus in your life today.
Trusting God in Times of Crisis
7 Days
Troubling times raise questions: Why are we in this situation? Will we get out? How? What is God's place in all this? Does he really care? Throughout the Bible, people faced calamity, fear, anxiety, and doubt. They besieged heaven and found the God who answers in crisis. Guided by brothers and sisters from Africa, let's follow these biblical examples, trusting as we seek answers for our questioning hearts.
Brilliantly YOU: Learning to Live Bold & Free
7 Days
YOU are brilliant- uniquely formed and divinely woven together with the ability to light up this world through goodness and kindness, bravery and resilience. Your shimmer is multi-faceted and potential uncontainable. Created with purpose, you were destined to shine. Over the next seven days, explore who God created you to be and awaken to a life defined by radical love, bold faith, and unstoppable hope.
Forgiveness: The Freedom of the Gospel
7 Days
Any way you cut the Gospel, it bleeds forgiveness. Yet, even the most seasoned Christian can struggle to extend forgiveness to those that have deeply wounded them. Dr. Bruce Hebel invites you on a seven-day journey to discover what God has to say about experiencing the freedom of the Gospel through forgiveness and show you how to apply the blood of Jesus as payment in full for every wound.
Suicide, Sin, and Salvation: Is Suicide Unpardonable?
7 Days
Escalating anxiety and depression have led far too many to die by suicide, leaving loved ones behind with more questions than answers—and these questions often cut to the core of their Christian beliefs. In this seven-day devotional, Dr. Jim Denison reveals what the Bible says about suicide and whether it is “the unpardonable sin.”