Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Ruth 3:12
Never Alone: Unpack Loneliness and Revitalize Your Heart
7 Days
Are you struggling with loneliness? Being lonely can detrimentally impact your physical and mental health, wreaking havoc on everything it touches. It’s easy to slowly succumb to the impacts of feeling disconnected and isolated. This 7-day plan will bring you through an interactive journey of unpacking loneliness while awakening your heart through a new look at the story of Ruth and the beautiful reminder of God’s Word. You’re never alone.
Reset Your Life: Wisdom From the Book of Ruth
7 Days
Do you ever wish you could have a do-over? Are you looking for an opportunity to start fresh and create a new trajectory for your life? If so, then the Book of Ruth is a story for you. Over the next 7 days, we’ll explore this incredibly honest and inspiring story of two women who overcame incredible tragedy and changed the story of God’s people forever.
Faithful God
7 Days
Come join us for this 7-day walk through the book of Ruth which will challenge men to walk with integrity, be faithful to their commitments, and trust that God is at work, even when we cannot see it! Written by J.R. Hudberg.
Christmas With Great Grandma Ruth
8 Days
This holiday season, gather around the fireplace and listen to the ancient Christmas story of two real women named Ruth and Naomi. You'll be challenged and encouraged to spot God's sovereign activity behind the tragedy, romance, and warmth of the book of Ruth.
Diaspora: People on the Move, God at Work
12 Days
Today, more people are on the move in the global diaspora than ever before. What is God doing in our world today? To better understand, we will look at the word of God through the lens of people on the move and be introduced to unreached people groups in the diaspora and pray for them.
Unexpected: Five Women in the Lineage of Jesus
12 Days
Jesus’ story on earth starts long before He was born. It begins in the wombs of women whose stories are complex, messy, and often unexpected. Join us as we dive into the lives of five incredible women—Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary—who made up Jesus’ lineage and discover how they made a mark not only within their lifetimes, but also in the years and years to come.
Exceptional Bible Characters
14 Days
There are so many characters in Scripture, many who stand out in our minds as 'superheroes' for one reason or the other. Yet despite their amazing achievements, often it is their weaknesses, their struggles, which resonate with us and set an example for us to learn from. These exceptional characters provide 'superhero' moments, as well as more 'human' moments, which, can strengthen our faith and trust in God.
Ruth: A Big Little Love Story by Mark Driscoll
15 Days
The Book of Ruth is the Cinderella story of the Old Testament, and it’s one of the most wonderfully written stories in all of Scripture. It focuses on a female friendship between the young new convert Ruth and the older Naomi, who struggled with bitterness. And the love story between Ruth and Boaz is on par with anything a Hollywood filmmaker can dream up.
Unquestionable Character: A 21-day Study in Stewardship.
21 Days
God calls us to live a life of good character. But what does that actually look like? Through this plan’s devotional content and brief Scripture readings, you’ll encounter men and women of Godly character, and you’ll discover the relationship between character and stewardship.
The Genealogy of Jesus
21 Days
We often trace our history to unlock knowledge about ourselves and gain wisdom to move forward. The divine nature of Jesus certainly adds a one-of-a-kind dynamic to understanding His genealogy. Still, there is wisdom, depth, and importance to be gained in learning about the men and women God ordained as part of the family of Jesus.