Save The World, One At A TimeSample
Shaping Life-Purposes
It is good to climb the ladder of life but more important to be sure of the wall it is leaning on. Many people discover that the wall the ladder is propped up against is not the right one. Perhaps Zacchaeus, the chief tax collector was someone like that. He courted Roman power, bent the rules and amassed wealth. But, in the process, he may have realized that he betrayed his own people, pawned his soul and ended up miserable. No wonder he wanted to get the glimpse of Jesus on the craggy roads of Jericho. Nursing a flicker of hope, he wanted to know why he was not happy even though he got what he was after – riches.
Jesus knew that people of Israel hated Zacchaeus as a traitor. Every Jew hated the occupying Roman government. But Zacchaeus, though a Jew, a direct descendent of Abraham, was friends with Romans, collected taxes from his own people to pay the Romans. People must have cursed him under their breath every time they saw him on the streets. His position as a chief tax collector, the power of his authority or the creature comfort the riches could buy did not bring him shalom. His pursuits of life did not achieve the purpose of his life.
True to His calling of saving the lost, Jesus looks up at Zacchaeus on the sycamore tree and invites himself as his guest. Jesus’ words were like a life-reviving waters to a parched soul; living waters to a dead spirit. He was only searching for an answer to the dilemma of the soul and the Answer knocked on the door. He experienced love when he thought he was beyond being lovable and destined to die a thousand deaths. He responded to Jesus’ love by the proclamation of a divine exchange: he received the love of Jesus and gave away riches. Jesus said, “You cannot love God and mammon.” Zacchaeus made his choice that day. He decided to love and serve God but despise mammon. Jesus affirmed his faith and said, “Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son Abraham.”
When was the last time you looked up at a seeking sinner and offered your fellowship? Did your love revive his soul, quicken his spirit? Have you tasted and seen that the Lord is good? Let the others taste the Lord in you. You too can shape their life-purposes. One at a time. Person to person.
About this Plan
The reader will be able to appreciate how Jesus, the Wonderful Counsellor engaged individuals in life-transforming conversations. Hopefully, the readers will be motivated to seek opportunities to come alongside those that are in need and walk with them on their journeys of transformation.