Holy Week, The Wise & Faithful - Disciple Makers Series #24Sample
The Parable of the Talents (Part 2)
Thoughts on the message
Jesus describes what God is looking for in His followers – faithfulness. This means using the resources He gave to each of us to advance His Kingdom.
I see three things here.
First, there is public recognition. Everyone gets interviewed in front of the other servants. Everyone sees what the servants did with their resources and the owners response.
Second, some saw the owner as a good owner – worthy of their sacrifice, others saw Him as harsh and demanding and scary. They responded to Him based on their understanding.
Third, the resources were not the owner’s resources – He gave them to the servants. He does not take them back.
Our view of God will determine what we do with the resources He entrusts to us. If we see Him as worthy of our sacrifice, then we will serve Him faithfully. If we see God as harsh and demanding – we will not. What is our view of our Master? Also, God is not interested in expanding His assets, He is interested in developing us. He looks for faithfulness – and He rewards it abundantly.
Father, today I look at my life and how I do things. I think I am doing it for You – and I am. However, You see it differently. You see it as doing it for me. You are developing me. Help me today to see that faithfulness in my life – and using the resources You release to me – is to help me grow and develop as the man You want me to be. So help me today I pray. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
About this Plan
Matthew writes to God’s people and walks them on a journey that will take them from where they are to be Disciple Makers. This is 24 of 27 devotional plans walking us through the book of Matthew. In this portion, Jesus closes out His discussion on what will He is looking for when He returns. He looks for wise and faithful, listening, gracious followers. Will that be us?