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A Life Of GlorySample

A Life Of Glory

DAY 1 OF 10


Glory Be!

Have you ever wondered why you are here or what is your purpose in life? The Westminster Shorter Catechism states, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” The Bible is full of the term, “glory of God.” From the Old Testament all the way to the New Testament. It would stand to reason that if glory is our chief end, meaning our end result, that we should understand it. 

The word glory can be defined differently. Literally, it means to be weighty. Figuratively, it means to give weight (honor, respect, and significance) to. Theologically, it means God is the most significant and therefore worthy of honor and respect. Bible dictionaries define God’s glory as the manifestation of His divine attributes and perfections. Therefore, God’s glory is the presentation or revelation of the significance of God. 

God is significant in His nature. His omnipresence (He is in and above all), omniscience (He knows all), and omnipotence (He sustains all) are unique to Him. But He is also significant in His character, such as His love, mercy, justice, grace, peace, joy, and patience, are displayed perfectly and simultaneous in Him. So, if God’s significance is seen in His unique nature and character, then, we can say that His glory is the visible expression of His character.

Now you and I were created in His image and we are His workmanship. In other words, we are the image bearers of God. This means that though we cannot display His nature, because none of us are omnipresent, omniscient, or omnipotent, we can display His character - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness. In fact, His character is manifested in His best creation, which are you and me. The glory of God, the visible expression of His character, is on display in us, His image bearers.

The Apostle Paul tells us to do it all for the glory of God. Whether you are doing big or little things in life, do them in such a way as to show off the character of God in you. God has created you to be a conduit through which He wants to reveal His character to His creation. How about that for a purpose in life? Glory be!

Two questions: How do I express the glory of God in my life? How do others see God’s glory in me? 

Day 2