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DAY 2 OF 8

The Enigma of Empty-Handedness

Spiritual poverty is the first hallmark of anyone who knows Christ. Living the Christian life isn’t about thinking we can do everything for ourselves but acknowledging that we rely on God for everything we have. That humility is the beginning point for making progress in our spiritual growth. We can’t swing toward the other rings without this crucial admission: we need God. 

Our Lord tells us, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 5:3). What does that mean? This statement is full of meaning and yet is subject to misunderstanding. We not only have to redefine our notions of the word blessed, but also have to understand the enigmatic phrase “poor in spirit.”

“Poor in spirit” means you recognize your poverty before God. It’s an attitude toward yourself that says you know and affirm that you haven’t lived the life to which God has called you and that you’re incapable of doing so now.  To be poor in spirit is the first mark of a person who walks with God. 

Becoming poor in spirit goes against the grain of our self-affirming culture. In our culture of affirmation, it sometimes seems that parents, teachers, counselors, politicians, and advertisers all conspire to tell us how great we are. Apart from a miracle of God’s grace, we’ll believe them. 

In dramatic contrast, wisdom calls us to trust God and doubt ourselves: Ironically, people who are far from God will feel that they have the ability to face whatever challenge comes their way: “I can do this! I’m up for it! I can handle it!” But someone who walks with God says something different.

There’s all the difference in the world between these two positions. In one case you precariously stand far away from God, proclaiming your independence. In the other case you confidently stand close to the Lord and rely on Him for strength.



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About this Plan


The understanding and strength we need to pursue holiness are available through the path Christ laid out for us in the Beatitudes—a path that includes forgiveness, purity, and peace. Find out what it really means to be poor in spirit, to be meek, and to mourn, and discover how those qualities will help you live a life in which God’s blessings are abundantly clear and present. Join Colin Smith for this 8 day Bible study through the Beatitudes. 
