According to Jubilee Law, property could only be redeemed by the rightful owner, or by a relative, but never by a friend. The same was true for a person who had sold himself into slavery.
When God set the law, He made it clear that all land and people belonged to Him.
In Hebrews 2, Paul explains how Jesus came to fulfill the Law of the Prophets. Jesus gained the right to redeem us because He took the form of man. John 1:12 states, “But to all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.”
Jesus became our brother in order to fulfill the law, acting as our rightful redeemer so we would not be bound by oppression, sin, or death.
We've seen such redemption for Birungi. She is 22 and lives in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). As a girl from a poor family, Birungi wasn’t allowed to go to school. In her own view, and that of her community, she had nothing to offer.
Birungi felt helpless and feared for her future.
This changed when Birungi began a workshop through her local church. There, her faith and understanding of God grew as she spent time with the teachers, and her self-belief blossomed as she learned to sew. At the end of her training, Birungi received a sewing machine which she used to start a tailoring business. She sewed, saved, invested her earnings, and bought a calf. Birungi now plans to breed and sell cows – a good, stable livelihood in the DRC – as well as grow her dress-making business.
Birungi rejoices over her newfound stability. But more important to her is the self-worth she’s found through Jesus. She is no longer brought down by the social brokenness that labels her useless. She is confident in her identity as a precious child of God, capable of great things, and she’s a role model for those around her.
Stories like Birungi’s fuel our belief that an end to extreme poverty is possible. But the need remains great. In the DRC alone, 87% of people still live below the poverty line. Too many lives remain broken.
Today, thank God for working in Birungi’s life and for His provision in your life. Pray for people all over the world experiencing poverty. Ask God to give you the eyes to see how you can help people experiencing poverty – physically, financially, emotionally and spiritually – right where you are. And let today’s scripture show you ways that God restores!
About this Plan
This study, brought to you by Tearfund, reflects on the biblical concept of jubilee, a concept that has pervaded the religious sphere, and is now becoming a political and socio-economic concern in addressing global poverty and deprivation. Jubilee is meant for everyone. Join us and discover what makes jubilee so special.