What's In Your Hands? God's Unexpected AnswerSample

Trading scarcity for abundance
When Jesus asks His disciples to feed the crowds that have gathered, they protest, claiming their five loaves and two fish will provide for only a small slice of the large crowd. Jesus replies: “Bring them here to me,” gives thanks, and breaks the bread. Somehow, all 5,000 people are fed—and there is even some left over.
In the disciples’ response, we see a scarcity mentality in the word “only.” We only have five loaves and two fish, they say. From the realist’s perspective, the disciples have a point. Five loaves and two fish isn’t enough to feed thousands of hungry people. But Jesus, in contrast, looks at the small meal before Him and sees the abundance of the Kingdom in all its possibilities.
“A scarcity mentality is not for a disciple of Jesus,” writes Gisle Sorli for the Institute for Faith, Work, and Economics. “He wants us to have a stewardship mentality of all that the Father has generously put into our hands. If we’re able to lift our eyes above the physical realm, then we’re able to look at a world beyond.”
It’s easy to see our resources only for what they are now—or perhaps even to compare them to the abundance others seem to have—instead of seeing the limitless possibilities of what they could become when multiplied by God's infinite power. When our schedules are packed full, we feel there’s never enough time. When we’re lonely, we feel like there aren’t enough relationships to go around. When finances are crunched, we worry there won’t be enough to meet all our needs.
It’s admittedly difficult—sometimes seemingly impossible—to set aside our very legitimate concerns and obey Christ’s command to “not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear” (Matthew 5:25). We all face very real challenges that often have very murky solutions. But we are called to be a people who trust that our Father knows what we need.
Let’s trade our “not enoughs” for Christ’s “more than enough.” We follow Jesus, who came describing life to the fullest. Let’s be people who believe in His abundance.
Reflection: In what areas of life do resources feel impossibly scarce? Ask God to shift your perspective to see the abundance of His Kingdom. What else might be holding you back from using what God’s placed in your hands?
About this Plan

When we approach God with our dreams and desires, we often focus on what we don’t have. We tell Him we could do more if He’d give us more skills or resources. We compare what we’ve been given to the gifts of others. And often, our patient Father responds with an unexpected question: What’s in your hands?
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