Re:Generation Sample
When Giants Shout
Just like Goliath, the giants in our life emerge from the battle lines (the moments of challenge or even the great opportunities presented to us) and start shouting. They love to remind us of our doubts, make us question our confidence or just down right scare us.
But that’s what giants do. Their sole focus it to stop us moving forward.
The giant of Hurt never allowing us to drop offense and move on. The giant of Fear constantly reminding us that we’ll eventually fail. The giant of Rejection always throwing lies at us that we’re not worth anyone’s time or affection. The giant of Poverty which convinces us we’ll never have enough, and we could certainly never tithe. The giant of Selfishness, Pride, Arrogance, Control….
As Goliath makes his threats, Saul, the king of the army freezes. And that’s what we do when giants start shouting. We freeze. Procrastination becomes so easy and we talk ourselves into inaction.
- What causes you to freeze?
- What things do you find yourself thinking or feeling, just as you’re about to step out and change?
- Write down a list of things you say that sound just like your parents. Phrases and thinking that have repeated themselves in you.
Giants try to tower over us but often they only have the power to intimidate and accuse. As soon as you turn on a giant it often turns into a withering plant realizing that it’s about to fall because it can see courage in your eyes.
About this Plan
We’re all a result of the generations that have gone before us and our decisions and actions are constantly shaping someone else’s future. Learn how to understand, identify and make choices that will break the negative trends in your life and set you up to see generations impacted.