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DAY 5 OF 5

Watch today’s clip as God tells Moses how He will deliver the people through the sea. 

In Day 3, we looked at the correlation of the lamb’s blood on the Hebrew doorposts to save their firstborn to Christ’s sacrificial blood placed on the “doorposts of our hearts” to save us. Today, let’s make another Old-Testament-to-New-Testament connection, creating more foreshadowing of God’s work in salvation. This reference is what happens after His blood saves us. He has a new place for us to go—an Exodus, if you will, through this life into eternity.

Once we have accepted Christ and His blood has redeemed us, salvation becomes both an event and a life-long journey—a starting line and a race to run (Romans 6:16–19). Walking through this world for several decades before we enter Heaven is much like traveling through the parted Red Sea between Egypt and the Promised Land. We know life could close in and swallow us at any moment, bringing death, while the Enemy of our souls, the Accuser, is nipping at our heels with his only goal being to “steal, kill, and destroy” (Revelation 12:10; 1 Peter 5:8; John 10:10).

But if we keep our eyes on the Lord and follow Him, He will see us through to the other side, reserving a place for us in His Heaven (John 14:2–3; Hebrews 12:1–2). Once there, we no longer have to be concerned with the past, the “Egypt” where we were enslaved, or the threats of the Enemy, because God through Jesus Christ has taken care of death and Hell and we are now where only He resides—the other side of this life for all eternity.

The Exodus is not only a historical and biblical event, but a grand metaphorical picture of all God’s adopted children walking out salvation in the world by faith, enduring the many dangers and threats, until we reach the place God has prepared for those who love Him (John 14:2-4). The story of Moses, his doubts, fears, and struggles, along with the victories and miracles, can be a constant inspiration and motivation to the kind of relationship God wants with us every day.

In your own spiritual journey, what have been some of your “burning bush, Pharaohs, plagues, miracles, and even Red Sea” moments? What is one Scriptural truth that God has shown you in these five days?

Day 4

About this Plan


Moses is a central figure throughout the entire Bible. His intimate interaction with God gives us much to learn from a biblical patriarch who balanced doubts and faith as we do. Inspired by MOSES, a Sight & Sound Theatres® production, this five-day biblical study offers a unique glimpse into the life of one who God called friend. 
