Savior: The Promise FulfilledSample
Nothing is Too Little in the Hands of the Lord
Prophecy stated that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem – possibly the most unlikely place God could choose! Micah tells us that Bethlehem Ephrata was a small town, too little to be the Messiah´s place of birth according to our expectations.
Bethlehem (“house of bread”) appears in Scripture several times. Rachel, Jacob´s wife, died near Bethlehem when she gave birth to Benjamin and she was buried nearby (Gen 35:16-20). It’s the city where Naomi and Ruth arrived and there, Boaz married Ruth. It´s also King David´s hometown. And, even more important, the Jews knew that their Messiah would come from Bethlehem (John 7:42).
God selected the “little town of Bethlehem” as the place where the King of the Jews was to be born. We would assume that the Son of God would come to a great city like Athens or Jerusalem, but He was born in a humble stable in Bethlehem. God chose the unimportant, the small, the unexpected.
That´s one of the things that I love about God. He can do anything with anybody - anywhere. Maybe you are feeling like Bethlehem, too small to be able to be used by God. Maybe you are afraid of pursuing the dream God has placed in your heart because you feel that´s too big of a task for you. God will use you in an amazing way if you let Him do it. The only thing He needs is a willing heart. He will do the rest. He will guide you and give you the strength to do anything He has planned for you.
Dear Father, You chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; You chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; You chose what is low and humble so that no human might boast in anything but Your presence. I praise You because don’t focus on big or small - You can use anybody willing to obey You.
Mini challenge: Look up Bethlehem on a map and find out more about the city. If you feel adventurous, compare the ancient town with the modern one.
About this Plan
Christmas can be an overwhelming season. We try to feel the joy of the celebration, but our long to-do lists and packed schedules often leave us exhausted and we crawl to Christmas Eve trying to survive until the 26th. In the middle of our very busy days, it's easy to forget what we really celebrate at Christmas: We celebrate Jesus. We celebrate His coming.