Babylon The Great - Prophetic Gallery SeriesSample
Judgement of the Harlot - Part 1
Thoughts on the Passage
Several thoughts.
First, a lot of time is given to explaining the creature that the woman is riding on. It requires wisdom – that means that it takes understanding of the Old Testament. It is not something that has an obvious meaning. If you look at the book of Daniel, then it becomes evident.
However, the important thing here is how God uses the kings and rulers represented by this creature to destroy the woman. She thinks she is in control of the creature – but it will destroy and consume her. There is an arrogance in her that makes her feel untouchable. God will use the nations that she controls – to destroy her. That is part of the judgment. God will use world systems that are ungodly to destroy this ungodly system. It is full of hatred, envy, pride and arrogance – and it destroys. It still does.
Second, come out – so you do not take part in her judgment. That is a warning to God’s people. Part of the judgment of this woman is for her and anyone who is connected to her. She will face judgment and it is severe. God gives us a warning ahead of time. The judgments will leave her destroyed and a barren place. She will be like the city of Babylon today – a desolate place, a haunted place and an abandoned place. God’s judgment will make people reject this system because it is associated with everything evil and oppressive. Also, it will be a place of demonic oppression. That makes it something no one will willingly participate in.
Father, sometimes the problems we face seem too big. The opposition to Your truth seems so huge that we think it cannot be touched. Except that You bring it down from within! The things that should support her – destroy her. That is the way satan does things. He destroys everything, even things that he raises up to do his bidding. That is why I would rather serve You than any system that this world has to offer. It is so much better! I know that You will never let anything overwhelm us, but also, You will call us out before You release Your judgment. I just keep doing what You ask of me, and I know I will be taken care of by You. Thank you. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
About this Plan
In Plan 11 of Revelation, we are introduced to the second woman. She is referred to as the Harlot of Babylon. Outwardly, she represents great things that please the eye – however, inwardly, she represents everything that Satan is. In the end, we see her destruction. And what God uses to bring about her destruction may surprise you.