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Devotions Inspired By Beyond BlessedSample

Devotions Inspired By Beyond Blessed

DAY 11 OF 28

by Jimmy Evans

When I pastored at Trinity Fellowship Church in Amarillo, there was a couple in our church who brought me a great deal of grief. They were both in leadership when I became the senior pastor, and the wife was on our staff. I can’t remember one instance when they followed a directive given to them without resistance, attitude, arrogance, and spreading their disagreement to those around them and causing division. 

Finally after several years of trying to patiently and lovingly lead them, I had enough and let them know if they couldn’t submit, they couldn’t be in leadership or on staff. Their response was predictable. They left the church and started one of their own. They called many leaders and members of Trinity and told them blatant lies about me and what I had said and done and invited them to join their new group. 

Their church ultimately grew to around 200 people. It wasn’t a large percentage of our congregation—but the suffering they caused was disproportionately great. I cannot tell you the pain they caused me, my family, our church, and our community. And within a year or so, their church was no more. 

Being in authority is serious business with God, and it is a matter of stewardship. People don’t belong to us—they belong to God. And anyone we oversee is God’s child, and we will give an account to Him for our authority in his or her life. 

But submission is also a form of stewardship. Notice in today’s Scripture that it directs those under authority to make their overseer’s job a “joy” and not a “grief.” The writer of Hebrews then tells us if we make their job difficult it will be “unprofitable” for us. The word unprofitable in the Greek language means “no reward” but by implication can also mean “exceedingly harmful.” 

I will stand one day before God and give an account for the difficult couple I told you about. I love them and forgive them, but I will tell Jesus the truth. They were a grief to me and made my job much harder. But I will also give account for the many thousands of dear saints who have lifted my hands and heart and served Jesus alongside me. The grief I’ve experienced pales in comparison to the joy that has been given to me by the sweetest people on earth at Trinity Fellowship Church and at Gateway Church. 

Whether you’re in a position of authority or you’re under authority (and we all are!), let’s commit ourselves to being better stewards for God so we can give Him a joyful account on the day of judgment.

Father, I submit my heart to You and all of the authority figures in my life. I repent of pride, independence, and rebellion. I realize You have placed authority in my life to protect and direct me. I commit to submitting to anyone with authority over me and making their role in my life a joy. Also, for all of those under my authority, I am reminded that I will give an account to You one day for how I used my role in their lives. Most of all, I submit to You as my Lord and Master and commit my life to being a wise and faithful steward for Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you. HEBREWS 13:17

Day 10Day 12

About this Plan

Devotions Inspired By Beyond Blessed

This devotional plan from Gateway Church is inspired by Robert Morris' new book "Beyond Blessed: God's Perfect Plan to Overcome All Financial Stress." Over 28 days, we talk about how everything we have has been given to us by God. This includes money, but it also means our families, relationships, health, and even our own bodies. These have all been entrusted to us by God. Discover how to steward them carefully and responsibly so you can live beyond blessed.
