Walking With JohnSample

Jesus is Truth and He Brings Freedom
By: Rachel Jones
There is no one like Jesus. His name heals, brings freedom, forgives, loves, is patient, and is lasting. He is compassionate and full of grace, yet He is stern and challenges our faulty thinking and behavior. He is awe-inspiring and mysterious, yet He gladly reveals Himself to us when we seek Him. His Spirit pierces into the deepest part of our heart and soul, convicting us of sin. He is Truth, and His truth sets us free. He deserves our complete adoration and reverence!
There is a woman in the Bible who experienced all of Jesus first hand. She was spared her life and shown extreme compassion. She is referred to as the adulterous woman, and her story is found in John 8. In verse 7, we find her caught in the act of adultery and on the edge of receiving horrible punishment from the Pharisees. However, Jesus steps in and takes the attention off of her and challenges everyone standing there, “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her” (John 8:7).
Wow! I am so grateful for Jesus’ compassion for that woman. No one dared throw a stone, and everyone eventually left. (John 8:10-11)
This woman could have been stoned to death, but Jesus wanted to redeem her from sin, not condemn her. There is no proof of course, but I would imagine the adulterous woman never returned to her former behavior, not because she feared dying, but because Jesus had liberated her with His forgiveness and love. It was her chance for a new beginning, a fresh start, freedom from her past!
These beautiful song lyrics from Who Am I by Casting Crowns perfectly express what I think she felt:
"Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin would look on me with love and watch me rise again? "
And that is what Jesus does best. He sees us in our darkest moments and knows our evil thoughts. Nothing is hidden from His eyes. He yearns to see us rise again to make better decisions. Decisions not based on fear, anxiety, and guilt, but on truth, love, and freedom.
But why is it so hard for us to live that way? Is it because we haven’t accepted this truth for ourselves? As a young adult, I found it difficult to believe and obey God. My parents had such an amazing faith that I tended to lean on them. I grew up going to church, but I hadn’t fallen in love with Jesus, nor experienced His transformative power for myself. We often act like the accusers in John 8:31-36, uncertain that we need a Savior, and resistant to changing our beliefs. We think we are “good” people who are better than others, giving us the right to judge while doing whatever we want.
However, Jesus speaks directly to this line of thinking. (John 8:34-36).
That verse is your identity. You have been set free and adopted as a daughter of God! I pray that you begin to make the choice to be as gracious to others as Jesus was with you.
Questions to Ponder
What are you thinking about right now? Journal about your thoughts. Quick! I know this is unorthodox, but God usually speaks to us when we spend time with Him, and then we forget it… or we don’t take it seriously. But right now, write down what is on your heart and read it over every night this week. Pray about these thoughts and submit them to the Lord.
“Where I found truth, there I found my God, who is the truth itself.” ~ Augustine
About this Plan

Precious Mama, Are you looking for a devotional to use during the Easter/Lenten season to help you to ponder the life, death, and resurrection of our amazing Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? We are so excited here at the Help Club for Moms to begin our journey together "Walking with John" and reading through the 21 chapters of this powerful book.
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