Passion 2019 Reading Plan Sample
“This is God’s plan for bringing glory to Himself in the world; it’s to raise up sons and daughters of light who show the world what His goodness looks like.”
-Gary Haugen, Passion 2019
God has chosen to use us as His light-bearers to carry His truth into a dark world. It’s an amazing and weighty role He has given us to play: to reflect His light into the world. But before our light can shine before others, we have to let the light of Christ completely invade our hearts. It’s true that we can be the light of the world, but feel like we are surrounded by darkness, or that our light is dimmed or hidden.
Here is the truth: light always drives out the darkness. It is never the other way around. Light is never actually stopped; it’s only covered or filtered. Or we move out of it, like how the sun never actually sets -- the earth just changes its position relative to the steady sun.
Similarly, our light is dimmed when sin creeps in and begins to cover up parts of our hearts. It causes us to step out of alignment with the light of Christ. The enemy wants nothing more than for darkness to take over your life. You may feel like the enemy has a tight grip on you – entangling you in an addiction, regret over your past, or shame from something that happened to you. But the truth is, there is no part of your life hidden from Jesus, and there is no darkness that His light cannot overcome.
So step confidently into the light – leave nothing uncovered. Let Jesus’ light in to the deepest, darkest parts of your heart – the ones you are even scared to look at. Sin will never prevail where light and truth shine.
When we open our lives to the light of Jesus, the enemy has to flee, and we are free to shine brightly for the world to see. God will use your freedom and light to bring freedom to others, for His glory.
About this Plan
In January 2019 students from all over the world gathered in Atlanta, Washington D.C., and Dallas to lift up the name of Jesus. Now you can be a part of Passion 2019 from wherever you are. Take this scripture journey through the messages of Passion 2019 from Louie Giglio, Christine Caine, Chad Veach, Gary Haugen, Matt Chandler, as well as the stories behind the songs from Passion.