See No EvilSample
When you were a kid, did you ever play a game called “Mercy?” If so, you know it’s weird and not really a game but more like torture where you basically grab hands, interlock fingers, and start twisting until someone cries “mercy!”
Again . . . it’s weird.
There are a bunch of variations of this game, but they all fall under the same premise: when someone establishes the upper hand, the person who is weaker (or hurt) can say the word mercy and they’ll be released.
With that in mind, check out this Old Testament verse:
“No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8 NLT).
God wants people to love the idea of mercy. Not the game, of course, but the idea of compassion and forgiveness being shown to people—especially when they don’t deserve it.
Why? Because that’s what God has done for us.
Who is somebody you could show mercy to today? Take a minute and start by praying for them. If you can’t think of anybody, start with your family. If you have younger siblings, start there. Or, pray for one of your parents or stepparents.
About this Plan
Injustice is all around us. It’s easy to want to turn our eyes to avoid dealing with it, but is that really the best way to live? We’ll take a look at the way God calls us to deal with the injustice around us. As we do, we’ll learn that the best way to get rid of evil and injustice is to see it—and then do something about it.