Tell Great Stories, Live Great LivesSample
Share Your God Story Well
Great stories told well can communicate on a level that surpasses the things that divide us and speak straight to the heart and emotions.
In Mark 5 there is the story of a demon possessed man who Jesus healed. After the healing, Jesus didn’t want the man to stick around and follow Him. He told him to go back to his home town and tell his story. The Bible tells us the whole city was amazed.
What emotion do you think that man would have had? How excited do you think he was? He must have told his story with such conviction and emotion.
Could you do the same? Think of a time when God answered your prayers, showed you that He is real, or did something miraculous. Can you share what God did, what changed and how it made you feel? Testimonies told well are powerful because they can create a desire in the hearts of others to say: “I want that!”
Everyone can tell great God stories because everyone has a story to tell. Stories can be shared in so many forms; Film, music, writing, speaking. The question is “what has God put in your hand to tell your story?”
About this Plan
The stories you tell about your relationship with Jesus and the way you live like Jesus can bring freedom, healing, and hope to others. You can feel confident to tell great stories and live a great life because you have been given the Holy Spirit. Let’s look together at how you can live and share the best story of all time!