Land of Color Devotional Sample
Give It All Back
The song “Give It All Back” was written at a time when Gary and I both felt the Lord was asking us, “Are you willing to lay Land of Color down?” The Christian life is meant to be lived with open hands - not holding anything we own too tightly. We offer the blessing the Lord has given us back to Him. This is way easier said than done though. Our human nature is to protect what is ours and to make sure no one takes it away, but the Lord calls us to be willing to give it all away. If we can get to the place of living with open hands, our lives become a conduit of the limitless love and resources of God’s Kingdom. When our hands are clenched from fear of losing what we have we are unable to receive the new, bigger and better gifts that God has for us.
Even our ministry ambitions can become idols in our lives. We can get involved in noble causes for all the right reasons but if we’re not careful, even seemingly godly endeavors can become idols that become more important to us than God Himself.
When we came to a place of being willing to lay our dream of the band down and totally trust God with our future, all kinds of doors started opening and we experienced His blessing and favor like never before. We want to encourage you to do the same thing. Offer your dreams to Him and trust that if it’s meant to be, that they will come to pass and it will be better that you could even imagine; but also trust that if they don’t happen that the Lord has better things in store for you. He wants the best for you.
Action Steps:
- Examine your heart and ask the Lord if there are things in your life that you are holding on to too tightly.
- Take some time to offer your dreams and ambitions to the Lord.
Lord, help me to trust you with my whole life. Despite my fear, I offer you all my hopes, dreams, talents and resources. As I open my hands and give you everything I am and everything I have, I pray that you will use me for your glory. I trust that you want what’s best for me and that you have good things in store for me.
Help me to put you first in my life. Amen
About this Plan
Land of Color takes you through a six-day devotional uncovering the meaning behind their latest collection of songs. They remind us to set our sights on Jesus, not on the idols of this world, and help us prioritize our relationship with Christ, knowing He is the only one who can quench our thirst.