JohnBlog - Word&LightSample
JohnBlog - Word&Light Day 16
The entire course of human history was changed by the coming of the true Light. But the message of Jesus is fundamentally a personal one. His coming enlightens every man who receives Him. Receive the revelations of Jesus and your world will blaze with light. Like a blind person suddenly seeing, or a prisoner walking free from a dark cell into a bright day. Each individual living with a spirit infused with the spirit of Jesus can change the world because Jesus is the source of all intelligence and order in the created world and he implants his life-source. He brings light to all that you do, blessing, redeeming, restoring, healing, forgiving, uplifting and saving from darkness others around you, enlightening and enlivening all that you touch in His name.
The Disciple:
Jesus, if you are the true light that came into the world, then what of the many other prophets who claim to bring light? What of the seekers of truth living in the world’s religions?
There is a simple and a more complicated way of answering this my friend. Here is the simple one. Truth does not need to be proven by argument. Certainly not by conflict and warfare. It simply is. Truth prevails. Wins out. Light triumphs over darkness. So do not concern yourself too much with what others do or do not believe. Instead, be more concerned with living in the light that you have found.
A simple life lived humbly, empowered by my indwelling spirit to love and forgive, may win over the greatest cynic or the most ardent antagonist. A single act of compassion can turn a violent enemy into a friend.
Anyone who hungers and thirsts after righteousness will be drawn to the truth when they see it. Particularly, they will be drawn to the power to love and forgive. As they are so drawn, they will begin to see me.
Do not worry about what people do not have in their religion. Pray instead that they receive the Eternal Light by whatever means. Light is light. Truth is truth. You do not have to defend it, box it into a formula or tame it. Through truth and light, I draw all men to me and thence to the Father. There are as many paths towards this glorious homecoming as there are people on the planet.
The entire course of human history was changed by the coming of the true Light. But the message of Jesus is fundamentally a personal one. His coming enlightens every man who receives Him. Receive the revelations of Jesus and your world will blaze with light. Like a blind person suddenly seeing, or a prisoner walking free from a dark cell into a bright day. Each individual living with a spirit infused with the spirit of Jesus can change the world because Jesus is the source of all intelligence and order in the created world and he implants his life-source. He brings light to all that you do, blessing, redeeming, restoring, healing, forgiving, uplifting and saving from darkness others around you, enlightening and enlivening all that you touch in His name.
The Disciple:
Jesus, if you are the true light that came into the world, then what of the many other prophets who claim to bring light? What of the seekers of truth living in the world’s religions?
There is a simple and a more complicated way of answering this my friend. Here is the simple one. Truth does not need to be proven by argument. Certainly not by conflict and warfare. It simply is. Truth prevails. Wins out. Light triumphs over darkness. So do not concern yourself too much with what others do or do not believe. Instead, be more concerned with living in the light that you have found.
A simple life lived humbly, empowered by my indwelling spirit to love and forgive, may win over the greatest cynic or the most ardent antagonist. A single act of compassion can turn a violent enemy into a friend.
Anyone who hungers and thirsts after righteousness will be drawn to the truth when they see it. Particularly, they will be drawn to the power to love and forgive. As they are so drawn, they will begin to see me.
Do not worry about what people do not have in their religion. Pray instead that they receive the Eternal Light by whatever means. Light is light. Truth is truth. You do not have to defend it, box it into a formula or tame it. Through truth and light, I draw all men to me and thence to the Father. There are as many paths towards this glorious homecoming as there are people on the planet.
About this Plan
A meditation on John inspired by the 15th Century devotional ‘Imitation of Christ.’ In 2011 Chris Webster, a professor with positions at Hong Kong and Cambridge Universities, awoke from a 4 day coma. He started writing JohnBlog as spiritual instructions for his teenage daughter and son should he not return from a second cardiac arrest. This also tells everyone why he exuberantly loves life but considers death as gain.