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[Maximum Joy Series] Dealing With DarknessSample

[Maximum Joy Series] Dealing With Darkness

DAY 7 OF 7

The Correction of the 3rd Error: Remember that you have an Advocate (2:1–2)

It comes as no surprise that John leaves the best for the end. All through these days, we have been focusing on the first principle John introduces us to enjoy complete fellowship with God: the principle of living right. We have looked at the three errors that stand in our way, and also the loving corrections that John presents. Today, we will look at the third and last correction. 

The Correction: “My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father–Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world” (2:1–2).

We can divide the correction into three points: 

1. Prevention of Sin (2:1a)

The privilege of confession can be abused, and some of us might say, If God promises to forgive me every time I confess, then I might as well sin as much as I want. This is a false confession. Remember that to agree with God about my sin (confess) is to agree with His attitude towards my sin. God hates sin. I should be seeking victory over my sin, not abusing the privilege. So again, true confession means that I agree with God regarding my sin, I recognize it, and I ask for His loving forgiveness.

2. Paraclete for Sin (2:1b)

The Greek word translated as “Advocate” is paraklètos; it is used only by John in the New Testament (John 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7; and here). Note that all these uses are from the Upper Room Discourse (fellowship, not relationship). This is the only time the word is used of Christ; the other times is used in reference to the Holy Spirit. The use of the word for a “lawyer” is possible as a meaning here, but “mediator” is more likely. Remember that when we sin, we do not need a lawyer because our sin has been forgiven (position), but we do need an intercessor, a mediator, a High Priest (Romans 8:33–34). Remind yourself of the fact that Jesus paid the price you and I should have paid. Simply ask your advocate to intercede for you with the Father.

3. Propitiation for Sin (2:2)

Propitiation, from the Greek word hilasmos, means “Satisfaction.” Guilt feelings often persist after our confession; that is why we desperately need to believe that God is fully satisfied. The death of Christ not only satisfied God’s anger against my sins, but against the sins of the world. When we trusted Christ, God gave us advanced forgiveness for any sin you and I would ever commit. That is positional forgiveness. It gives you a right standing before God. Believe and trust that His sacrifice fully and completely satisfied the Father. 

There is no reason on earth why you should not enjoy fellowship with our loving father. My dear brother or sister, your Father is waiting for you with open arms; do not let anything stand in the way of your complete joy. Jesus died on the cross so that you and I could have access to the loving and holy presence of our Father. 

Join me in prayer today and start living right and with complete joy!  

Dear Father,

Thank you for the privilege I have of entering your presence. Thank you, Jesus, for your sacrifice, thank you Holy Spirit for living inside of me and showing me anything that stands in the way of my fellowship with you.

May your light shine in me and expose the sins that I am not aware of, and help me in my confession.

I agree with you regarding this sin in my life (confess your sin). I do not want it in me. I pray that you will forgive me and cleanse me. I do not want any darkness in my life.

I believe and trust that Jesus’ sacrifice at the cross was sufficient and that I am no longer a slave; the devil cannot accuse me of anything because I have been forgiven. God promises me that If I confess, He is faithful and just to forgive me and purify me of all unrighteousness, even the sin of which I am not aware. 

Thank you Father for your love and mercy, let your light shine in me and guide me in your ways. I want to live in fellowship with you and experience maximum joy!

In Jesus’s name. Amen.

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Day 6

About this Plan

[Maximum Joy Series] Dealing With Darkness

Do you feel bad for asking forgiveness for the same sin over and over? If you are a believer and you are not experiencing maximum joy, I encourage you to begin your journey towards complete freedom from darkness. In this plan, we will focus on the writings of 1 John to get rid of the first barrier that gets in the way of our fellowship with God: sin.
