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Hollywood Prayer Network On TrustSample

Hollywood Prayer Network On Trust

DAY 3 OF 7


"Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters."  Albert Einstein 

"To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved."  George MacDonald

PRAY:  Dear Jesus, You are the best example of being trusted with both very little and with a lot. You showed me how I can stay honest, faithful, and trustworthy with whatever the Father gives to me, no matter how little or how much it is. I don't ever want to be dishonest or greedy with anything, no matter how small, for if I'm tempted with a tiny thing, who will trust me with true riches? I have to prove myself in the smallest, most private instances in order to be trusted with more. Help me to fear God and to be trustworthy for only then will You place me over the people as a chief, a leader, and a role model. I want to be Christ-like in all that I do and I know it comes with trusting in You completely. I commit to that today, in Your name. Amen
REFLECT:  We are always drawn to the Christian men and women of the past who have done great things. Mother Theresa, George Müller, and William Wilberforce were only a few of the many Christ-like people who did big things for God and whom we want to be like. But they did not become great until they proved themselves in little ways. Mother Theresa thanklessly cared for the lowest, messiest, neediest people in India, under horrible conditions, and she was faithful, one day at a time. George Müller didn't start out with hundreds of orphanages, lots of money and a huge staff of people. He began by helping one orphan and trusted God every day for even a loaf of bread. William Wilberforce was a mere servant of his government and had to earn the trust and respect of each leader, one person at a time, before having any voice at all to stop slavery. And they all did it by trusting God. They were trustworthy with a little and they were lifted up as chiefs among people. We can learn so much about trusting God by looking at others who did it whole heartedly.
ACT:  Choose two great Christians leaders in past centuries who did big things for God. Then take time to research them and find out how and where they started and then where they ended up at the end of their lives. You will see that they started with little, they obeyed God, served Him, and trusted Him with everything they had. Then He lifted them up, He opened doors, He set their path to greatness. It's a beautiful, humbling, powerful revelation to know that if we want to make an eternal difference with our lives here on earth, we MUST TRUST GOD for everything! And we can't be fully trusted until we first trust Him. Learning about two of your Christian role-models will empower you to greatness - through learning how they trusted God. Now get out your list of promises and add to it!
Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Hollywood Prayer Network On Trust

This is a joyful week, full of promises, rewards, and hope. We’ll learn that when we can truly trust the Lord, and not lean on our own understanding, He has gifts that He gives to us in return. It is so important to the Lord when we let go and trust Him, looking to Him, not to others, for our strength and direction. Then He can shower us with blessings!
