Who I Am In ChristSample
I Am a Citizen of Heaven
My home is in heaven. I’m just passing through this world. — Billy Graham
The earth is full of sights and experiences that take our breath away. Sensational sunsets, majestic mountains, and fascinating forests are just a few we get to take in. We are drawn to many things on this planet, yet earth is our temporary residence and not the place we will live forever. At some point, all of us will depart this globe where we currently reside.
Our citizenship as Christ followers is in heaven. So, when things don’t go our way and we experience disappointment in the here and now, we can fill our minds with hope by remembering this truth. When the pain is too great and we wonder how we can endure, we just need to remember that this turmoil is temporary. The Bible says that our life is a mist that appears for a little while and then we’re gone. Our short time existing in human form on earth is tiny compared to eternity in Heaven, for it goes on forever.
What is heaven like? The Bible gives us some information about our forever home, but most of what we will learn will be on the day we leave this earth. The Bible does say that God has prepared something great for those who love Him (1 Corinthians 2:9) and that righteousness dwells in heaven (2 Peter 3:13).
But Revelation 21 gives us quite a glimpse into heaven when John shares his eyewitness account. This is what he says about heaven:
It is a holy city.
God will live with us.
We will be His people.
He will wipe away every tear.
There won’t be death or sorrow or crying or pain.
Jesus will make everything new.
The holy city shines with God’s glory.
There is no temple for God is our temple.
There is no sun or moon because the glory of God lights it up.
Nothing evil will be allowed.
Can you even imagine? A place with no evil or pain or sorrow? A place where God’s glory is so bright that it outshines the sun? It’s astounding and overwhelming to think about it. And this is what we get to call home for we are citizens of heaven.
- In your own words, write down what “I am a citizen of heaven” means to you.
- Repeat “I am a citizen of heaven” throughout your day — set a timer and say it every hour so that it will be deeply rooted in you. Write it on a card and place it where you can see it often.
- Think of a situation you have faced or will face where you can apply this truth.
About this Plan
Who are you? This question often receives a reply that states something we do. Yet, our identity comes from who God says we are—not what we do, and certainly not who others say we are. Knowing who we are as Christ followers is essential in our walk with Jesus. When we know who we are, we’ll know what to do.