Vision 2020Sample
Day 7
Guided Steps
Psalm 37:23 (Amp) The steps of a [good] man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in his way [and He busies Himself with his every step].
Psalm 37:23 (NKJV) The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way.
Psalm 37:23 (GW) A person’s steps are directed by the Lord, and the Lord delights in his way.
Have you ever gotten lost trying to find some unfamiliar location or destination? How wonderful it is at times like this to locate a guide––someone who knows the way and is willing to show us how to get where we need to be.
One of the most amazing commitments God makes to us is that He promises to be our guide. To think that God takes such personal interest in us and engages with us in such an intimate way is truly incomprehensible. God actually delights in every detail of our lives.
Today’s verse reminds us that God has a complete knowledge of us. His interest in us is very personal and specific. He knows the all the intricacies of our lives, our personalities and our circumstances.
If we are really honest, we might confess that this statement challenges our faith. It is sometimes hard to believe that God knows what is going on with us in such detail. We might believe that He cares for us in a general sense, but it is much for difficult to accept that He is paying such close attention to our lives, actually delighting in the details.
What a difference it would make if we would wholehearted accept and embrace the truth and promise enveloped in this verse. It would usher us into an entirely new dimension of trust and peace. It would fill us with a deep and unshakable confidence about successfully traversing the troubles we are facing now and securely handling whatever may come our way tomorrow.
As a part of delighting in the details of our lives, God assures us that He will also direct our steps. Like a good guide, He carefully gives us instructions and kindly intervenes when we are about to head down a path that would damage others or us. While He never forces His will on us, He does step in with warnings, cautions, roadblocks and confirmations. Although we are free to ignore the signs, blow past the roadblocks and disregard the confirmations He communicates to us, He is ever faithful to engage Himself with us as our guide, always leaving the final decisions to us.
The Bible says that the good person is one who trusts that God knows and cares about all the details of his or her life. They also willingly follow in the steps He ordains for them, knowing that God’s ways and will are always best. Such a person becomes rooted, established and secure. They get to experience God delighting in their life.
How easy are you to guide? What will you do to become more guidable?
About this Plan
A 20-day fasting devotional that will help you set your vision for the year. Ask God to help you focus and see the things that matter. Pray and fast and expect great things from God!