Prayers for Your NeighborhoodSample

Lord, may this not be limited to 30 days. Help me know how this prayer adventure can continue beyond today. You have placed me in this community for a reason, and You have committed to being right here with me as I seek to advance the gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom here. Thank You for the wonderful opportunity I have to live for and serve You in the place where I live!
Thank You for taking the time to walk, pray, pay attention, listen. May doing so stimulate a lifetime practice of prayer for the “place” where you live. Whether you reside in the heart of a major city, in suburbia, or in the middle of the countryside, God has people who live “right where you are.”
In light of your commitment to pray through this plan—and as you continue to pray for your community—may God do wonderful things in your midst! Love deeply. Give your life away for the sake of God’s Kingdom. And may there be great joy in the journey!
Our thanks to Kirk Lauckner of The Navigators for writing this plan and Dean Ridings for his editorial assistance. For more ways to make a difference for Jesus in your community, visit The Navigators “Neighbors” website at For more on intercession, see The Pray! Prayer Journal: Daily Steps Toward God’s Heart,
About this Plan

There is something deep and transformational that happens when we walk the streets of our neighborhood while talking with God. You’re invited to make a 30-day “practice” by walking and praying through your own community. Let the adventure begin!
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