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The Sacredness of SinglenessSample

The Sacredness of Singleness

DAY 3 OF 3

Singleness is Good

Singleness is spiritually and morally right. It is not inferior to marriage. God sees both marriage and singleness as good. Whatever state you are called in is good, if it is with God. If it is not with God, neither state is good. If you marry the wrong person out of the will of God, it will be a miserable journey. If you live single away from God, you are going to be miserable. However, if you use your singleness for the glory of God and turn it into a sacred journey with Him, it will be awesome. 

Singleness is good. God wants you to find contentment in your single life. Godliness with contentment is a great gain. Paul said that whatever state he is in, he has learned to be content. Do not always be looking for things you do not have. Be pleased and thankful with, to, and for God. 

Singleness is not “less than.” Although Adam and Eve complemented one another, both were complete, as individuals, before God. You are to be complete and whole in Christ. Marriage is a construct for the present world we live in, so that we can be satisfied and fulfilled in many ways. Marriage is wonderful, but when we get to heaven, nobody will be married. We will be like angels in heaven. Our ecstasies and intimacies will be with God. Do not expect someone here on earth to complete you. Your future spouse will complement you, but it is God who makes you whole. 

Singleness is sometimes for a season. Single days are times to diligently trust God with unwavering faith. According to Paul in 1 Corinthians, single people have the time to demonstrate undistracted devotion to God. Author and pastor Tim Keller says, “Men, you will never be a good groom to your wife unless you are first a good bride to Jesus.” This is the season to trust and devote to God. 

Singleness is an opportunity. You have the opportunity to be a hero for Jesus Christ and give your life to him without any encumbrances. I encourage you to take advantage of these moments, because you are as free as you are ever going to be. Use your freedom for the glory of God. 

Are you using your singleness in a sacred way? This is your time to experience a sacred journey: one that is filled with holiness and grace, and most importantly, serving and loving Jesus with all your heart. 

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Day 2