33 Day Men’s ChallengeSample
The Warrior’s Creed
Speak it out for two minutes with conviction and use the movements from the video to memorize it:
“Obey heaven, serve people, conquer self, crush evil.”
The Master’s Word
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least five minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“We take captive every thought to make it obey Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5
The Truth Challenge
Consider honestly these questions:
“If a man's sexual ‘switch’ is his eyes, how are you making sure that you are not turned on?”
“Like Job, have you made a covenant with your eyes?”
“Do you even believe it's possible to live in victory in this area?”
The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).
The Physical Challenge
Accountability Groups
- Intentionally nurture accountability with a small group of men.
- Use some form of communication that everyone is comfortable with; i.e., FB messenger, email etc.
- Commit to complete honesty, sharing failures, setbacks and victories in REAL TIME (i.e., daily or during the day.)
- Don’t judge but stir and encourage one another towards complete victory over pornography, etc.
- Keep each other in prayer during the day.
- Celebrate milestones; i.e., “One month porn free!” and keep momentum.
- If others are interested in joining, instead of increasing the size of this one group, split up and multiply smaller groups.
About this Plan
The 33 Minute Warrior, created in Japan, is a movement of brothers who support each other to get free and live powerfully as modern-day warriors in the Way of Christ. “Obey Heaven, serve people, conquer self, crush evil” is the creed we live by. The 33 Day Challenge is the wake-up call and initiation to that transformation. Do it together with a brother to get the most out of it.