If you had the choice between asking a dead person, or someone who had defeated death, the way to eternal life; who are you going to ask? I suggest you would ask the person who has defeated death.
There has only been one person who has done this in history – Jesus Christ. Jesus’ resurrection was God’s “show and tell” a visual demonstration that the resurrection he offers us is possible. Rather beautifully, the apostle Paul describes Jesus as the “first fruits,” the first one resurrected. (1 Corinthians 15:23)
The consistent teaching of the New Testament is that if we are “in Christ,” i.e. have given ourselves over to his lordship, then our sins die with Jesus’ death and are buried (something that is signified by us being under the water in baptism). And because we are “in Christ,” we will also be resurrected with him to join him in his kingdom (Romans 6:3-5).
This is why Jesus says in this fifth “I am” statement, “I am the resurrection and the life.”
Don’t miss out on it!
Loving Father, the resurrection was only an unlikely theory, impossible to believe, until you raised Jesus from death. Thank you for the wonderful hope this gives me. I am in awe of your grace and the wonderful hope you give.
About this Plan
Jesus asked the question: “Who do people say that I am?” (Mark 8:7) Our entire life and destiny hinges on the answer. So, let’s look at the seven “I am” sayings of Jesus – and then explore their implications for us, through the “you are” statements in the New Testament.