I Said YesSample

A Thief Meets Jesus
Jim Vaus was a criminal. In the 1940s, Vaus was the chief wire tapper in Mickey Cohen’s notorious Hollywood crime syndicate. Knowing there was something missing in his life, Vaus agreed to attend an event where he heard a young preacher named Billy Graham share about the love, forgiveness and grace offered through Jesus Christ. Vaus was moved deep in his heart to make a big life decision. That night, he chose to respond to Jesus’ invitation to follow Him with a resounding, “Yes!” For Vaus, this was the best decision he ever made.
Saying, “Yes!” to Jesus meant Vaus would need to leave behind his old life. Just think about what that decision meant for him. It was a huge risk to a man with many dangerous connections to organized crime. But Jim knew connecting with Jesus was infinitely more valuable than anything he would need to leave behind.
In today’s Bible reading, we meet another criminal. This thief was on a Roman cross being crucified next to Jesus. He wasn’t the only thief on the scene though. In fact, there were criminals who were crucified on both sides of Jesus. They were guilty of their crimes and they knew it.
As they hung there, one thief hurled insults at Jesus saying, “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself and us!”
The second thief spoke differently however. He said to his partner in crime, “Don’t you fear God? We are getting what we deserve. Jesus has done nothing wrong!”
Then the criminal asked for something so bold that some people take offense at it. He said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
What gave that man the right to think standing up for Jesus in the final moments of his life was enough for God to show him mercy? After all, he’d spent his entire life as a bad guy! But how Jesus responds to that criminal is profound.
“Today you will be with me in paradise.”
Instead of shutting the door to heaven in his face, Jesus invited him in. Instead of the condemnation he deserved, Jesus offered grace.
You see, we’re all like that thief. None of us has the right to stand before a holy God and be found good enough to get in. But that’s the thing about grace – it isn’t deserved and it can’t be earned. It’s simply a gift given to those who are unworthy. After all, if we were worthy, it wouldn’t be a gift! All that is required is to simply to believe and receive.
When you say, “Yes!” to Jesus, you choose to receive God’s gift of grace and forgiveness.
Reflection Questions
1. What surprises you about God’s grace?
2. What are some specific areas of your life that God has extended grace to you?
3. This story shows us that God created a way for us to restore our relationship with Him through Jesus. What does that mean to you personally?
About this Plan

It seems like every time Jesus encountered someone, He left them with a big, life-changing invitation to follow Him. In this 7 day study, you’ll read about several unlikely individuals who met Jesus and were offered the opportunity of a lifetime to say “Yes!” to Him. And how they responded just might change everything for you too.
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