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Healthy Eating, God's Way by Healthy by DesignSample

Healthy Eating, God's Way by Healthy by Design

DAY 2 OF 5

Pillar 2 - Overcoming Food Temptations

Ever get frustrated at how often you give in to your cravings and temptations?

This is a good time to remember that in our flesh, we will never be able to consistently resist temptations—our flesh is just too weak. The Bible says, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."

This Scripture is taken from the gospel of Matthew. The conversation takes place right after the Last Supper. Judas had left the dinner to orchestrate the betrayal of Jesus and now we find Jesus agonizing in the garden of Gethsemane. He is talking to the disciples (specifically Peter) and is warning him about the weakness of his physical body as he grows sleepy, and Jesus reminds him how easily his body will give in to temptations.

If we apply this scripture in Matthew 26:41 to the context of your weight loss journey, it means that you may really want to eat well but you’re just not able to muster up the energy, discipline, motivation, or drive to actually do it.

The "flesh" Jesus referred to in Matthew 26:41 is our physical body with its appetites, desires, and weaknesses, always looking for the easy way out. Your flesh easily gives in to temptation. Your flesh will always overpower your spirit if you don’t watch and pray as Jesus instructed the disciples to do, as was the case with the disciples.

How does Jesus instruct us? . . .  to WATCH AND PRAY!


You will give in to temptation when you're not standing on guard.

You need to guard your mind and your emotions like a hen taking care of her chicks. If you let anything into your mind, it will wear down your spirit, so be mindful of who you talk to, and what you listen to on the TV, radio, or the internet.

  • Are you spending time with people who bring you down or build you up—"leaners" or "lifters?
  • Do you continue to visit fast-food restaurants and drive-throughs and hope you won't be tempted?
  • Do you continue to live outside of your boundaries?
  • These will all continue to wear you down.

Also, pay attention to your emotions because the enemy will attack when your resistance is low. That's why we use the acronym H.A.L.T. Don't allow yourself to get too hungry, angry, lonely, or tired.

  • If you're too stressed, your flesh will grow weak.
  • If you're too emotional about a situation, your flesh will grow weak.
  • If you're sleep-deprived, your flesh will grow weak.
  • If you're not properly hydrated or fueled with healthy foods, your flesh will grow weak.

Your flesh will be more willing when it is well-rested, well-fed both physically and spiritually, and feeling at peace. That's when your resistance will be strongest.


Jesus prepared the disciples by telling them to pray.

The struggle was real for Jesus too! He just finished practicing this same principle with the disciples. We learn in the earlier verses that His flesh was failing Him, so He prayed to God to be strengthened. The Bible says, "And after going a little farther, He fell facedown and prayed, saying, 'My Father, if it is possible [that is, consistent with Your will], let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will'” (Matthew 26:39). The same God that strengthened Jesus when He prayed to Him is the same God that will strengthen you during your periods of weakness, trials, and temptations.

Action Steps

As you go about your day today, in addition to your practice habit, practice watching and praying before you eat anything.


1.  What keeps you from watching and praying about your eating boundaries? Turn it over to God right now in prayer.

2.  What things, circumstances, and situations do you need to be most watchful of? Journal them.

3.  Write out a prayer to God letting Him know your desire to stay within your healthy eating boundaries.


"Dear Lord, giving in to my temptations is one of the most frustrating parts of my journey. I start the day feeling strong and encouraged, but as the day goes by I just get weaker and weaker until I feel so defeated. Then I wake up the next day and start the same cycle over and over again. I'm grateful that I am learning how to identify why I keep repeating this pattern. I'm also glad that I'm learning that I am not powerless—I am not a victim. But I am also no match for my cravings and that's why I must pray. I must come to you every time and I must stand on guard so that you will fight my battles for me. So I take a deep breath, I let go of all the anxiety I have around my fears of never overcoming my temptations. I watch, I pray, and I trust that you will help me. You will strengthen me. You will satisfy my hunger and cravings. Thank you, Lord. In your name, I pray. Amen."


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About this Plan

Healthy Eating, God's Way by Healthy by Design

Food is not the enemy! It's a gift from God and the sooner we can accept this truth and fix our focus, the sooner we will be free from the bondage of food. In this devotion, you'll discover that what you're really craving is something a lot more satisfying than food and a lot more delicious and nutritious, for not only your body, but also for your soul and spirit.
