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Remember, Ponder, ConsiderSample

Remember, Ponder, Consider

DAY 5 OF 5

“Handling Life’s Detours”

We don't always finish what we start. At the end of the year, I'm sure we're embarrassed at all the half-read books, the unfinished projects, the missed targets. There can be many reasons: we run out of steam, our interest wanes, we're pulled away by other exploits, or we allow ourselves to take detours.

A blogger wrote in, "There's only so much in life that you can plan. Life is not so much about the plan as it is about enjoying life’s detours.

Life is about learning to take the unexpected in stride and find the wonderful in it. How did you handle the detours that came your way this week? They weren't all bad, were they? One thing is for sure, every one of them is a choice we made.

Something to ponder, from one friend to another.
Day 4