Open Hearts & Open Homes Sample
Day 19
Written by Ps Carol Hanes
As to the Lord
Hebrews 13:2, Matthew 25:38
In Biblical times and many places today, hospitality - the welcoming of people into your home is of the highest importance. It is far more than a social interchange. In some instances, it meant preservation of life as was the situation of Abraham’s guests (Gen.18) who came in from the desert. Abraham responded with middle-eastern hospitality but soon learned that his guests were no ordinary travelers. Abraham had entertained angels.
In the early years of the church, the teachers and leaders depended on the kindness of believers as they travelled from one region to another. There were times when hospitality was neglected or sometimes refused. (3 John 9, 10)
Bringing a stranger into your home is not the same as in New Testament times but we can certainly think of a modern equivalent. What about the newcomer to your neighbourhood or workplace? Although our church meetings are currently limited, there are always new people who attend and would like to feel a part of the community.
Consider the changing face of Australian culture and the increasing number of refugees in our communities. How can we expand our hearts in such a way that we “see Jesus” not only in the faces of our brothers and sisters in Christ but in the needs and the concerns of those around us?
This might be a stretch for some. Pray this if you feel you can. Ask the Lord to put you into a situation where you have the opportunity to befriend someone who is not at all like you. Maybe a person from another culture, an immigrant. What will be your first step to invite them into your life?
About this Plan
Join us at Imagine Nations Church for 21 days of prayer and Cornelius-styled Fasting.