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The Journey BeginsSample

The Journey Begins

DAY 6 OF 10

What is prayer? Prayer is your main, personal-connection line to God. Prayer is you conversing with God. You can talk to Him about what’s on your mind and what’s on your heart, and He will talk to you about what’s on His mind and heart. It’s a two-way interaction. Prayer is more than asking and receiving answers from God; it’s about learning to ‘remain in Christ’, that is to grow a strong relationship with Him.

I remember my first attempts at prayer. It felt rigid and somewhat repetitive because I didn’t know what to say. A little like the first introductions to a neighbour who has just moved into the house next door – you are polite and friendly but in a formal sort of way whilst you are getting to know them. As time goes on the formality drops and you relax. 

Similarly, over time, through persisting in prayer, you will get to know God more closely. He will fill your heart with peace, He will reveal His love, wisdom and power. He will provide answers to your prayers. As you begin to experience these aspects of God in prayer, so your prayer life and your day to day journey with Him becomes more meaningful. Prayer grows as your knowledge and trust of God increases. That’s why it is good to pray in the context of reading the Bible and going to Church – all of this helps you rapidly form a picture of the one who is no longer a stranger to you, but is a Father and friend. You begin to realise you are not just talking to God like someone on the phone, but like someone who is right there in the room with you. 

As you begin to form a habit of regular prayer, it can help to start by choosing a time and place to pray each day. Take a moment to praise God for who He is and thank Him for what He has done. Clear out the clutter of your world and confess to God the wrong things you’ve done – He forgives. Put your requests to Him, and hand Him your pressures - He will carry them with you. Pray for others, pray for the world around you, pray for your own life, your work, your family etc. Have faith in God. Engage Him in prayer and you will see how He leads you through all circumstances of life.

Day 5Day 7

About this Plan

The Journey Begins

When I first made a decision to follow Jesus , it was a clear decision but my journey there-after was far from clear. After time I found myself amongst people who knew how to direct me on the right path for growing my faith. And it's these things I have learnt about kick-starting a new life with Jesus that we unfold in this 10 day devotional.
