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10 First Steps for the New ChristianSample

10 First Steps for the New Christian

DAY 7 OF 12

Step Six

Find a Church.

Soon after you trust Christ as Savior, you'll want to become part of a dynamic church. Not only will this help you make Christian friends, but it will help you grow by leaps and bounds in your new faith. 

Church attendance has been declining over the past decades, especially in Europe and the Western World. Most people identify themselves with a particular church, but they never seem to be able to get out of bed to attend. You've heard about old Ed. He's a regular churchgoer; he never misses an Easter service. And that's the kind of attitude toward church attendance many people have today. 

Why is it so important to become a part of a good church? There are many reasons. One is to worship God, to honor Him and His Word. The Bible cautions us not to fail to assemble together with other believers (Hebrews 10:25). The church in the first century, according to the Book of Acts, met together constantly. They praised God, they worshiped Him, and they learned about Him together. 

A church exists for the double purpose of gathering in and sending out. 

When we gather together in the church, we are blessed. But we don't go for a blessing. We go because we have a sense of calling, a sense of duty, a sense of need-a need for God and for others who have trusted Christ. 

While we are in the church, our spiritual batteries are recharged so that we can be sent into the world to let our lights shine before men. 

Someone will say, "I don't go to church because there are too many hypocrites there." If the church were perfect, you and I couldn't get in. The church is not going to be like heaven, but then nothing on earth ever will be. 

But the true believers make up Christ's church (Matthew 16:18). He is the head of the church (Colossians 1:18). The church is His body (Ephesians 1:22-23). And when we attend a local church, we know that the people there are not perfect; but they are forgiven, and that's important. 

What kind of church should you attend? 

Here's a simple rule. Look for a church where the Bible is treated as God's Word-His authoritative Word—where people express a loving concern for those who are still lost in their sins and where the people worship God with deep respect. 

"The church is not a gallery for the exhibition of eminent Christians, but a school for the education of imperfect ones.' -Henry Ward Beecher

I would avoid a church where you do not need a Bible during the whole service, where you never hear the name of Jesus Christ elevated and where no concern for lost sinners is ever expressed. In that kind of a church you must be careful. You may be in a mausoleum! 

After coming to Christ as Savior, as soon as you can, find a good, Bible-believing church and become active in it. Do not delay. It's easy to lose interest in the church if you have never made an investment in it. Finding a church is an important step for the new Christian.

Day 6Day 8